Thursday, May 22, 2014

AustHan Drafts the Finalists of Food Network Star, Season 10!

Despite taking a slight break, AustHan is now back and better than ever.  There is truly no better time to reunite than the best time of the year:  Food Network Star time!  Austin and I discovered a mutual love for the show before last season and decided to draft for it.  The legendary draft can be viewed HERE.  That draft ended up being a game changer for Austin and myself, but also AustHan's World.  The two of us became friends with a good portion of the cast (most importantly Viet and Russell).  Russell is now the owner of some AustHan's World t-shirts, as we are now owners of some SCD shirts.  I even had the pleasure of going to meet and eating the delicious cooking of a few of the finalists at a Veggie U and Food Network Star event in Cleveland.

A while back, the cast for the show's tenth season was announced.  Today we drafted the cast.  Austin got to choose first in this draft after winning the most recent Survivor draft thanks to Tony Vlachos.  The results fell as follows:

Cast photos are courtesy of the Food Network.
Needless to say, I am excited for the Sunday, June 1st season 10 premiere of Food Network Star.  I am very pleased with #TeamHannah.  They have even received the Viet seal of approval.

The season 10 finalists have a lot to live up to after last season, but we have faith that it will be another fantastic season.  Season 10 finalist Reuben has already been dubbed a friend of AustHan.  As with last season, I will be here every episode with a recap/review.  This season I may even try to add in weekly rankings as I did with the most recent season of King of the Nerds.  

#TeamHannah was victorious last year with Damaris Phillips.  Who do you think will be victorious this season: #TeamAustin or #TeamHannah?  Tell us in the comment section below and/or tweet us!

As always, you can follow the website on Twitter @AustHansWorld.  You can also follow Austin and I's personal Twitter accounts @AustinBarns and @theonlytrace

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Vote AustHan to play in RRBB All-Stars 2!

If you follow the game RRBB on Twitter, or our posts, you know that Austin played in season 8 and I, Hannah, played in season 9.  Both of us went pre-jury, but I have faith that we could do better given a second chance!  So please vote for us on the poll that I have linked.  It could give us a better chance of playing in the tenth season - which will be All-Stars 2!  You can vote once a day.

We are both closer to the end of the poll/list.  Vote Austin (Season 8) and Hannah (Season 9)!

Click here to vote!

RRBB is a Twitter game much like Big Brother hosted by Reality Radar.  You can follow the game on Twitter @RRBBGame!  All-Stars 2 is set to start in 1-3 weeks.

Monday, March 31, 2014

#ZachstinsWorld: AHW Drafts the #RRBB9 Houseguests

You might have heard the news by now, that my P.I.C Hannah has been cast in the latest installment of Reality Radar Big Brother (#RRBB9). Following in my footsteps! Of course I'm referring to my brief stint in the Twitter games most recent season. During that time, Hannah drafted the #RRBB8 Houseguets with our mutual Twitter pal Cierra. With Pepper Han following in my footsteps and joining the RRBB family, I will return the favor and follow in hers. I will be drafting the new #RRBB9 Houseguests with Twitter personality, friend, lover of Britney Haynes and my former RRBB coach, Zachary Nicolos. So without further adieu, I present to you the #ZachstinsWorld #RRBB9 draft results.

May the best man win! Best man obviously meaning best woman, because #TeamHannah! 

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Hannah ranks the Final 4 of 'King of the Nerds 2!'

Recently, I ranked the Final 5.  If you read that post, you probably are taken aback by my rankings of the Final 4.  What can I say?  I'm feeling dangerous.  Plus, I always seem to be wrong, so I'm thinking if I do the opposite of usual, I'll have a chance at being right for once!  What do you think about my ranking of the final 4? (Based on who I think has the greatest chance of winning to the least.)  Tell me in the comments below or on Twitter @theonlytrace!

Also, before I go, I would like to first give a huge thanks to Zack.  Zack, you were a fantastic character and competitor this season and unlike any other nerd to come before you.  Your commentary and confessionals were always on point.  You may have been the "outcast" of the season, but you were always you which I think is highly commendable.  Your self-confidence is inspiring to me, and I'm sure to many other fellow nerds.  If there's an All-Stars season, I'm almost positive you'll be invited so PLEASE ACCEPT.  Thank you for making this season amazing!  You gave #TeamHannah life!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Hannah and Cierra draft Twitter's RRBB8!

The first draft, that doesn't consist of both Austin and I, has now happened!  I joined my Twitter friend @cierraplessis to draft for the Twitter Big Brother game RRBB8! Austin is competing!  How exciting.. I imagine this is what it would (will) be like if Austin gets cast on Big Brother or another reality show.  The first twelve houseguests were announced Saturday night and I chose first for part one of the draft.  Then, four coaches were announced Sunday night and Cierra chose first for part two of the draft.  The results fell as follows:

We've rarely done point systems on our drafts, but this time around we're doing that.  Going all out for RRBB!  #TeamAustin Below are the current point standings on the scoreboard:

I must say.. I am quite excited about this draft.  I don't know many of the people on the cast (besides seeing a few of them play other Twitter games) but my two Twitter friends on the cast (Austin and Zach) are both on my team!  Winning!  I'm not sure how this will all turn out, but I am 100% #TeamAustin!  May he channel actual BB8 for RRBB8 and bring out his inner Eric Stein.  Currently, I don't believe this is happening, as Austin was chosen to play in the first veto and Eric was the king of not getting chosen!  Good luck to all competing and to Cierra in our draft!

You can follow the game of RRBB8 each night on Twitter @RRBBGame!
You can see more of the game by following the houseguests! 
(RRBB only follows those currently in the game.)
You can follow my fellow drafter @cierraplessis!

So the real question here is: #TeamHannah or #TeamCierra?  Tell us on Twitter!

Hannah ranks the Final 5 of 'King of the Nerds 2!'

I underestimated how busy student teaching would make me, hence all the recaps of KOTN2 that I have missed.  However, I am loving this season and would at least like to stick with my rankings (based on who I think has the best chances of winning) from this point forward.  So, here is my ranking of the final five!

Are my rankings on point or off?
Tell me in the comments below and/or on Twitter @theonlytrace!
King of the Nerds airs on Thursday at 10pm on TBS!

AustHan drafts the 'Big Brother: Canada 2' Houseguests!

Big Brother: Canada's second season premieres tomorrow night!  Austin and I drafted tonight on the eve of its premiere.  Austin has been absolutely killing it in the drafts this year, so he got to choose first in this draft.  Same draft rules as always: the person who picks the winner wins the draft.  There's a "mystery houseguest" that has all of Twitter up in arms.  Austin and I decided to add the mystery houseguest into the draft.  We each picked 7 people for our team, leaving one houseguest up for grabs.  The first person to lose a houseguest will get the leftover houseguest.  I believe that covers all the basics of this draft, so here are the results:

Are you rooting for #TeamAustin or #TeamHannah?
Tell us in the comments below and/or on Twitter!
Big Brother: Canada 2 premieres tomorrow night!

Friday, February 7, 2014

Hannah reviews/recaps Episode #3 of 'King of the Nerds!'

I had every intention to watch and write about last week's episode before tonight's episode aired.  Every intention.  Long story short:  It didn't happen.  However, I will get that post up this weekend.  Since I feel quite guilty about this delay, I've decided to rank the nerds remaining after tonight's episode on their chances of winning at this point (something decided by myself based on the show's edit and my own opinions.)

This week's episode brought us the LARPing challenge that happened around this time last season.  If you don't know what LARPing is, that's okay.  I don't know too much about it either.  Essentially, LARPers dress up in full costume and adopt the persona of the character they're portraying and the whole thing revolves around a main storyline.  For this challenge, each team was given the same four characters, but had free reign over the story, costumes, etc.

I gained enough from this episode to know that some real drama went down last week between the Midas Touch Attack and Zack when they voted Zack into the Nerd-Off.  In true reality television fashion, Zack won the Nerd-Off.  His win was great for the Titans of Rigel because it created havoc for the Midas Touch Attack while they continued to sit pretty on their side.  It was clear from this point that the Titans of Rigel's main focus from there on out would be to do whatever was necessary to keep Zack in the game.

The teams were given time to work on their performances, costumes, etc. and of course drama ensued for the Midas Touch Attack.  Zack felt that his team was pushing him away and he threatened to systematically destroy the whole team.  Nicole took the opportunity to play some mind games on Zack and praise his writing abilities so that he would put his best foot forward in the competition.  It seemed to work and their performance was not too bad despite everything.  (Side note:  Jack felt the need to do something drastic to give his the Midas Touch Attack a better chance of winning.  He shaved his head and revealed himself to be bald at the beginning of their performance.  Sadly, this didn't quite pay off.)

The guest judges enjoyed both of the performances, but in the end, they awarded the win to the Titans of Rigel.  As a reward, the Titans of Rigel got to attend one of those pirate dinner theater shows.  (Fun fact:  I attended something very similar while in Florida for my high school senior trip.)  They even got to go on the ship/stage after the show and sword fight!

When it came time to vote two from the Midas Touch Attack into the Nerd-Off, it was obvious that Zack would be sent in by his own team.  The Titans of Rigel sent in Mary Kate against him because they felt she was the weakest one and would give Zack a better chance of remaining in Nerdvana.  This episode's Nerd-Off was, I believe, a board game called Warhammer.  The game was a lot like Battleship, except that you had the choice to attack or defend when it was your turn.  Attacking was a lot like Battleship, but with defending, you could move a piece along the x- or y-axis.  Jack was Mary Kate's advisor and proved to be a huge help to her game with his knowledge of probability.  Chris served as Zack's advisor, but never played a role because Zack didn't ask for any advice during the game.  Mary Kate once had a considerable lead in the game, but her lack of skill in rolling the dice lost her the lead and the game.  Zack remains in Nerdvana where we can expect more drama to ensue next week.

Mary Kate becomes the third nerd eliminated from the competition.  Only eight
nerds remain!  Who has what it takes to become King of the Nerds?
Mary Kate was alright, but she's not on my draft team, so I don't feel too bad about this elimination.  #TeamHannah was already on the Struggle Bus, a Zack-loss would have not sat well with me.

Other things you might want to know about this episode:

  • Jack can only sing "It's getting hot in here." 
  • The awkward Little Caesars advertisements that I loved (and made fun of) last season are back!
  • Kevin Sorbo, Yaya Han, and Jon Heder (Napoleon Dynamite) were the guest judges on this week's episode.
  • Statistically speaking, Nicole gave the Midas Touch Attack a 64-36 chance of winning this week.  However, the odds were not in their favor!
  • Zack dished out the best insult I've ever heard and I have now adopted it for all future fights/disagreements.  "I'm in the fourth dimension and you're still in the third!"
My favorite moment from tonight's episode was when.. Zack felt unwanted when no one would help him practice for the Nerd-Off and gave a huge speech to the group.  In it, he stated that nerds are "the greatest people in society," but at the same time, they are "the people that no one wants."  If you are a nerd, like myself, I'm sure you've been able to relate to what Zack said tonight at one point or another.  I do feel for the guy, but he does need to lighten up or he has zero chance of winning.

So there are my rankings of the final 8 nerds.  Agree?  Disagree?  Tell me on Twitter @theonlytrace or in the comments below!  Make sure to tune into the fourth episode of King of the Nerds when it airs next Thursday night on TBS at 10pm!

Friday, January 24, 2014

Hannah reviews/recaps the 'King of the Nerds 2' premiere!

Tonight, the second season of King of the Nerds premiered on TBS.  I really enjoyed the first season last year and even wrote a few recaps for it.  This season I plan on writing a mixture between a recap and a review after each episode and I'll try my best to not get lazy with them.  First and foremost, everyone involved in the casting process is fantastic at what they do.  The first season received a lot of praise for having a great cast and I think that the show has done it again.  The show gives us a variety of "nerd types" and the people they choose to represent those "nerd types" perfectly embody them.  What better to follow this statement than to present you with a quick run-down of my personal favorites, based off this first episode!

  1. I picked him first in the AustHan's World KotN Draft and let me tell you this, I am very glad that I did!  Jack takes the cake for my favorite nerd.  Jack's a Bioengineering student who presented us with a fantastic periodic table rap in his introduction segment.  He has a way with algorithms and created one that would help his team decide who was best to send into the first Nerd-Off.  #DemStats I declared Brandon my favorite at this point last season and thus, #Handon was created.  Obviously I have to follow with this tradition and thus, #Hack is now my new thing.  I don't expect this to change.
    I am 100% in favor of this comparison.  Tweet Credit@TheJovenshire
  2. Chris is probably my next favorite and I regret not choosing him in the draft.  His personality is not over the top, but it also isn't boring in the slightest.  Honestly, he won me over the moment that he admitted that he's the coolest person he knows.  He also said "Boom goes the dynamite!", a phrase that I am guilty of overusing.
  3. Next, I'm going to go with Josh.  He didn't get a great amount of airtime in tonight's episode, but I think he has potential to go far.  There are many engineer types on this season and I just don't think he'll be anyone's main target for a while.  Plus he likes Pokemon!
  4. And lastly, the biggest surprise of the cast for me was that I actually really liked Zack.  If I had to compare him to someone from the first season based on his edit, I think he's a mix of Hendrik and Virgil.  He's super nerdy and therefore I like him a lot.
I wasn't aiming to go with all guys in that listing, but it happened. #DontJudge Kelsey and Nicole were really the only girls to get much airtime in tonight's episode.  I didn't dislike any of the girls, or any of the guys for that matter.  It's just hard to form opinions when you see so little.  Honestly, I think Katie might end up being my favorite girl from the cast (and I'll be darned!  She's on my team!).. I mean, she is a puppeteer and it doesn't get much cooler than that.

This season's nerds upon arrival at the new Nerdvana!
Photo Credit: TBS
The show has made a few changes this season.  First, once again, there was an odd amount of nerds cast to be on the show.  Unlike last season, when the person that was left out when teams were chosen got to choose the first winning team and joining the losing team, this season that person got to "immediately banish someone from the competition."  This season, the unchosen person was Kelsey.  She chose to banish Nicole from the game.  (Related Note:  Was I the only one to find it a little rude when Kelsey said she was choosing Nicole because no one would even notice she was gone?)  

But surprise!  Nicole then became the "nerdiest of the nerds!"  She got to choose the winning team and chose the gold team.  As a result of this, she got to join the gold team and move someone from the gold team over to the purple team.  Obviously she sent Kelsey over to the purple team.  Did we really see this going any other way?  Another change is that instead of the nerds coming back and voting to decide the King of the Nerds, the winner will be determined by nerd skill.  Lastly, the only other change that I know about is that one nerd was selected by the viewers and given the title of the People's Nerd.  This was .Josh, as he is a popular Youtuber.  

The Nerd-Off process is the same as last season.  The losing team votes one of their own into the Nerd-Off and the winning team votes one of their opponents into the Nerd-Off.  The first Nerd-Off was a game of "Nerdditch" which is much like Quidditch.  The gold team sent in Chris in an attempt to weaken the purple team and the purple team sent in Kelsey which was pretty obvious considering she wasn't one of the original members.  This Nerd-Off was neat!  They answered questions and whenever they answered correctly, they got to fly on a broom and throw potions into cauldrons for different point values.  It almost looked like Kelsey was going to win it, but Chris won it in the final round.  Kelsey then became the first banished from the competition and she flew off on a broom while speaking a foreign language.  Is there a better way to go out?  Probably not.  

With this loss,  #TeamHannah loses a member and #TeamAustin picks up Kayla for winning the first Nerd-Off.  Ah, it's a sad day on Hannah island.. (Except it isn't because, as mentioned before, Chris is one of my favorites and I was most definitely rooting for him to win the Nerd-Off.  The curse of one of my favorites being eliminated first has been lifted!)

And just like that, Kelsey becomes the first nerd eliminated from the competition!
Original Photo Credit:
Other little things you may want to know from the first episode:
  • Like last season, there are two teams this season.  The purple team, now referred to as the Titans of Rigel, and the gold team, now referred to as the Midas Touch Attack.
  • The Titans of Rigel members are Chris, Katie, Brian, Xander, Kayla, and formerly Kelsey.
  • The Midas Touch Attack members are Zack, Nicole, Jack, Josh, and Mary Kate.
  • Chris won the first Nerd-Off with a score of 600 over Kelsey's score of 450.
My favorite moment from tonight's episode was when.. Zack said that he wants a water fountain in his house one day.  Now he has to win!  #DreamFulfilled 

If you missed tonight's premiere, I highly suggest finding a way to watch it.  It is definitely worth your time.  Become a regular with me and watch the show each Thursday night at 10 pm on TBS!  I will tweet during each episode over at @theonlytrace, so follow me!  I'll follow you and we'll become besties!  This week's conversation starter can be to talk initial favorites.  I told you some of mine, now you can tell me some of yours, either in the comments below or on Twitter!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Why #RichKidsOfBeverlyHills is #Fabuluxe

If you're anyone in the world of pop culture, chances are you're as much of an E! junky as I am. The entertainment network has produced a string of hits over the years, in addition to several Kardashian divorces. But, that's a blog for another time! If you're watching E! daily (like I am!), its easy for me to assume that you're obsessing over the networks latest gem, #RichKidsOfBeverlyHills.

 #RichKids is a show that follows a group of friends living the high life in the super posh 90210. As soon as I saw the first promo for the show, I immediately fell to me knees and praised the Gods of entertainment. I've waited for this show my entire life! In fact, I'm pretty sure I invented it on a 100 degree run last summer. Only it was on Bravo, and actually involved teens. Much like the time my mother invented the debit card. Apparently we both fail at capitalizing on our ideas, which is why I'm only a #MidToUpperMiddleClassKidOfKansasCity. 
The #RichKids on Monday's #Bethenny 

Moving on, #RKOBH, finally premiered on January 19th and it couldn't have been more #Fabuluxe. It was everything  that I had spent hours a day praying it would be. If not more! I Tweeted along with the show, because that's what I do. Sadly, I was beyond shocked to find that people were hating on my new crew of Beverly Hills besties. While I was day dreaming of hitting Rodeo with Dorothy and Morgan, most of the downers on Twitter were complaining about the "pretentious" nature of the show. As Dorothy would say, "things got very Vh1". The very next day, the crew made an appearance on my daytime show of  choice #Bethenny, to discuss their new #E!venture. That's when the unthinkable happened! The audience was allowed to share their reactions to the show with the cast, and ask them questions. This usually ends up being a violent firing squad, as evidenced by the time Bethenny had Farrah Abraham (you know her, the Teen Mom porn star sex tape victim) on the show. As I suspected, the overly aggressive audience began throwing some serious shade at the #RichKids. They were complaining that they couldn't "relate" to the show, and that the cast flaunts their wealth. Ya know, typical things that average people say when it comes to the rich. I felt strongly about these reactions, because I fail to see a valid reason behind any of the audience members claims. 

Its very rare that as a Television viewer, you can "relate" to everything you watch. Are you seriously trying to tell me that you can relate to the Kardashians? Because last time I checked, they had explosive ratings. So, one of two things is happening here. 1. A larger portion of America is made up of rich Armenians with sex tapes than I've been led to believe. Or B. You're religiously watching a show that you can't relate to. I think we all know which of these choices is most accurate. In addition to these claims, lets discuss Instagram. It was largely argued on Twitter that the #RichKids flaunt their wealth using the social media application. I wouldn't call this flaunting. They simply share photos of their lives. Much like "normal" people share photos of theirs. They post photos of filet mignon. You post photos of fruit loops. It's all about the walk of life from which you come! Its not some malicious scheme to make you envy them. By the standard of most of crazy Tweeters and Bethenny audience members, these #RichKids shouldn't be allowed to use social media because they're rich. It's an invalid complaint, and I personally find it to be highly ignorant on the part of middle America. Get over yourselves! These people shouldn't be judged for having been financially blessed, just as they shouldn't judge you (and they're not!) for not being as well off. In the words of Cher Horowitz, "if the government could just get to the kitchen, rearrange some things, we could certainly party with the Haitians." The government in this case being middle America, and the Haitians being the #RichKids. We need pop culture equality, and we need it stat! 

That being said, #RichKids is a real life take on the wealth based TV shows and films that we've all grown to love over the years. Why is it that a show like Beverly Hills 90210 was allowed to define a generation, but a real take on that very show is dismissed as pretentious fluff? If you can thoughtfully answer that question, I urge you to leave a rebuttal in the comments section or Tweet me your opinion @AustinBarns. 

If you're not tuning into #RichKids on Sunday nights, you're missing out. The show features real life friends Jonny Drubel, Morgan Stewart, Dorothy Wang, Roxy Sowlaty, and Brendan Fitzpatrick, and airs weekly at 10|e on E! 

AustHan drafts the 'Survivor: Cagayan' castaways!

Another season of Survivor is rapidly approaching!  Survivor: Cagayan is the third Survivor draft that Austin and I have done, and it's quite possible that the third time could be the charm for Austin!  Of course we couldn't go through a season of this show without drafting it, so promptly after today's cast reveal, we planned out some time from our schedules to do this season's draft!  Since we did two drafts today, I let Austin choose which draft he wanted to pick first in.  Of course he chose this one.  Who wouldn't?  The results fell as follows:

Although the draft started off on a poor note when Austin chose Garrett (my first overall pick), I feel decent about these results.  I am obviously #TeamBrains so I'm happy to have four of them on my team!  My other choices aren't too terrible either.

Are you #TeamHannah or #TeamAustin?
Survivor: Cagayan premieres Wednesday, February 26th at 8 pm on CBS!

AustHan drafts 'Opposite Worlds!'

Opposite Worlds is a new Syfy reality show that premiered this week.  The show feels a lot like Big Brother, but has a Hunger Games vibe to it.  The house reminds me of The Glass House meets Survivor.  I hadn't heard about this show until Austin suggested that we do a draft for it earlier in the week.  But I'm giving it a shot, and so far, I like it!  From the sounds of it, it had great ratings for its premiere!  Austin and I did two drafts today, and since he went first in the Survivor draft, I got to go first in this one and the results fell as follows:

Who do you think got the better team: #TeamHannah or #TeamAustin?
Opposite Worlds airs again tonight on Syfy at 10 pm!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Hannah grades 'The Bachelor' season premiere!

Juan Pablo Galavis becomes the eighteenth
'Bachelor' in the show's history.
Photo Credit:  ABC / The Bachelor
It's that time of the year, friends!  That time that ABC presents us with another season of 'The Bachelor' and I sit here and critique and grade it.  This is the series' eighteenth season and honestly, I think ABC is getting a little desperate with this one.  I have heard #Juanuary enough times to last me a lifetime and we're only eight days into the month!  Juan Pablo was on the last season of 'The Bachelor' until Desiree eliminated him the sixth week.  I was honestly somewhat surprised with the network's choice for him to be the Bachelor.  I'll admit, I barely watched that season, but when I did, I felt like he was never shown.  And, on top of that, he "placed" around seventh overall on that season and most Bachelors are those guys who made it until the very end (or at least close to it) of their seasons.  Juan Pablo does have his looks and international, athlete vibe working for him, though.
You can read last season's 'The Bachelorette' post HERE.

The Previews and Pre-Meetings:
As much as I question the choice of Juan Pablo as Bachelor (+1 point) for them choosing him over Drew.  I simply would not have been able to handle/watch Drew for a whole season.  Am I the only one bothered when they make parents of young children the Bachelor/Bachelorette and put the kid into literally every aspect of the show?  I feel like if my parent was a Bachelor/Bachelorette I'd do something very stupid any time they pointed the camera at me.  (-2 points just because I always get annoyed by this.  Like, okay, he's a good parent and that's a huge part of his life, but can we not?)  Oh, and I don't want to get on a soap box about this, but, Juan Pablo's daughter only appears to speak Spanish.  I feel like this is unfair for any of the women on the show, because let's be honest:  You could want to have his daughter in your life, but it's extremely hard to make happen if you can't speak much Spanish.  You shouldn't *have* to learn a new language for love, in my opinion.  But who am I to say?  For all I know, they might have cast girls who are bilingual.

Then the most recent Bachelor, Sean Lowe, decides to stop by to talk to Juan Pablo.  (-2 points) for the show trying to make me believe these two are good buds or anything.  They weren't even on the same season.  I'm not buying this friendship.  No no no.  But (+2 points) for the fact that Sean and Catherine's wedding is so close!  I'm actually happy to see another Bachelor couple succeed and even more happy that it's those two.  Yay televised weddings!

Then we get some previews!  Okay, pause.  I think I like Chelsie already.  Yes, it may be just because she's from Columbus, Ohio (fellow Ohioans are always a favorite of mine on these shows) and because her occupation is "Science Educator" (I mean, c'mon, science and math educators are destined BFFs!), but nonetheless.. (+3 points) for casting someone.....kind of like me?  (This has yet to be deemed true or false.) Oh look, Renee is another parent!  Side note:  I hope if I ever have children, my body will look as fantastic as hers afterwards.  Andi seems normal, so (+1 point) for that.  Amy J. the massage therapist seems like a TOTAL nut.... oh my God, I'm obsessed.  (+2 points) "I want a man that wants to me rubbed by me!" *Giggling by self on the couch* I love when they cast these crazies.   Nikki is absolutely beautiful, but maybe a bit too Kacie B. for me to really root for her to win.  It makes no sense why someone like Lauren H. would go on the show.  (-3 points) because she was recently engaged and broken up with!  Like, going on a show and dating a guy who is dating 26 other girls?  Probably not the greatest way to get over a past relationship or find a new guy.  (-3 points) for all of these girls learning a sentence or two of Spanish.  Do they think they're the only girl who is going to do this same thing?  But (+1 point) because if you really want this guy, one or two sentences is only the beginning for you!  And NO, I take it back... Lacy is totally the new Kacie B!  Their names even rhyme!  NO!!!!!! (-2 points)

Points for this round: -2 points
Current total of points: - 2 points

The Meetings:
This is obviously my favorite part of the episode.

  • Cassandra: There is an awkward moment of silence with these two.  Hilarious. (+1 point)
  • Christine: (+2 points) for her green dress because I really, really love/want it.
  • Nikki: (-2 points) for the weirdness of her making him listen to her heart, albeit creative.

(+2 points) for Juan Pablo saying "No more limos!" after THE FIRST ONE.

  • Kat:  She seems likable.  Probably will root for her if she lasts very long. (+1 point)
  • Chantal: (-1 point) for this girl thinking for a second that her name is hard to pronounce.. honestly, what?
  • Victoria:  I marked this girl pre-show as someone who'd go far, but now I'm not sure.
  • Lucy: She's a free spirit!  This girl definitely did not apply to be the show. (-2 points)
  • Lauren S:  Her first meeting started of really cute, but then went to bleh. (-1 point)

(+1 point) for Juan Pablo running into the house because he missed Lauren's name! ha!

  • Chelsie:  She steps out of the limo, and I automatically go "Werk it, gurl!  Werk it for Ohio!"  Her first meeting with him was cute, but not sure he was 100% following it.
  • Ashley: She's a teacher and gave him a gold star.  Can we not..... (-2 points)
  • Clare: WHY WOULD YOU THINK SHOWING UP LOOKING PREGNANT IS A GOOD IDEA? ON WHAT PLANET WOULD THIS BE A GOOD IDEA? (-1 point) because that is just so weird.  Why did that happen?
  • Alli: I want to like her, but bringing a soccer ball is...boring to me. (-1 point)
  • Amy J: Actually LOL'ing at Juan Pablo seeming impressed with the nutty one. (+3 points)
  • Alexis:  She's speaking Spanish and is from his city!  Meant to be?  Their meeting is a bit lackluster though, sadly.
  • Sharleen:  This girl seems normal... but like a stick in the mud as well.  Actually, I think she might end up being a favorite.  She's an opera singer.  He wants to end up hearing her sing.  She says "We'll see!"  Obviously she's not too hopeful for a future relationship.
  • Andi: She's definitely one of my favorites from the start.  She tells him that he can't forget her name since he made her tell him it twice.  (+1 point) for snarky.
Points for this round: 2 points
Current total of points: 0 points

The Night / Juan Pablo Getting to Know the Girls:
Juan Pablo seems so overwhelmed by all of these girls wanting him.  There's a photobooth in the mansion this season! (+1 point) because if I were there, I would never leave it!  Nikki says "I feel like we all know him to a certain point."  Yes, from the whole like 5 minutes they showed of him on Desiree's season? Yes, I know him to a certain point...called... he has a cute face and also a daughter.  Oh and he played soccer!  "Renee, we have so much in common.  We're parents!" I guess I should be a parent before I make fun of these people.  Maybe Lucy is the real nut of the season?

Omg!  Amy J is the next one!  This is too much weird at once.  Obviously the reason the first episode of each season is so great! (+1 point)  I would be more worried for Juan Pablo is the cameras were not there, that's all I'm going to say.  My girl Chelsie goes into the photobooth with him. OH my gosh.  (+2 points) for ChelsPablo!  Lauren H brings us the first tears of the season.  She is obviously not prepared or ready to be on this show.  (-2 points) for how much they're overdoing this whole drama.  While I know she probably had to bring it up at some point (-1 points) because talking about your ex right off the bat is probably not the best way to start things off with a new guy.  Juan Pablo so obviously likes Andi, it's insane.  I think she's going to get the first impression rose.  Sharleen seems so intelligent and she admits she knows no Spanish.  He seems to really like her and she's getting the first impression rose without even trying!  I love this!  But she doesn't feel insta-chemistry.  OMG.  What is happening? I like this weirdness/realness.  (+5 points)  "Will you accept this rose?" "Sure.." HAHAH yes upon yes!!! (+2 points) 

Points for this round: 8 points
Current total of points: 8 points

The Rose Ceremony:
The first girls to get roses are the ones I think will go far anyway based on their edits.  The dog lover girl (I don't even remember her name) gets a rose along with her dog.  Is the dog going to be there the whole season?  (-2 points) because this is strange to me.  (+2 points) because Chelsie and Kat get roses right after one another.  My favorites.  (+1 point) because Kylie walked up thinking he said her name instead of Kat's.  So hilarious yet embarrassing for her.  Lucy the free spirit got a rose?  (-2 points) because what?

I am a little surprised by some of the girls he eliminated.  Poor Kylie didn't end up getting a rose after that embarrassing situation.  My favorite dress of the night, Christine, didn't get one!  (-2 points) because Crazy Amy didn't get one and I was looking forward to seeing that crazy every episode!  She's even crying right now.  Buh, Juan Pablo, you're such a fun-killer.  Lauren H. got cut and I'm glad that she did.  She was not ready to be in a new relationship, not even one with a guy who's dating many other girls.

Points for this round: -3 points
Current total of points: 5 points

Previews for the Entire Season:
There is so much Clare in these previews!  Nikki and Clare have some drama.  So much girl drama!  Some girl says "Juan Pablo, I hope you die!" Um, yeah, not sure who that is, but I don't think he's gonna pick her!  Honestly, I don't know that this season is going to be too exciting, so (-2 points) for that.  At the end, they show a scene of Juan Pablo and Sean dancing together.  They both magically go shirtless.  Sean says "Once you're Bachelor, it just naturally happens!" (+1 point) because that was actually funny.

Points for this round: -1 point
Current total of points: 4 points

When I graded Sean's premiere episode, I gave it a 5 and said it was probably a C+.  Desiree's got a 7, which I thought was B- material.  So I think a 4 would put this premiere in the C range.  Honestly, I do think there are a few good girls on this cast.  I think the premiere was probably better than just a C though.  However, I think the season as a whole is probably going to be in the C range, so I'm just predicting the future, okay?

Unlike with the two other seasons that I have done this post, I thought I would do something extra in this one and try to predict the girl that Juan Pablo will choose at the end based off of the edit.  Honestly, I just want to be able to look back and claim whether or not I'm a psychic!  As much as I want to pick Chelsie, or a much as I think I should pick someone like Andi or Clare, I am going to pick Kat!  She wasn't shown a lot in this premiere, but neither was Catherine. (Another Cat!)  (If you're reading this and know spoilers and I'm right (because obviously I'm almost always right!) - I can say with 100% honesty I know nothing about this season nor its results, so please don't tell me!)
Juan Pablo and the girls who are vying for his heart on this
season of 'The Bachelor!'  Photo Credit:  WetPaint
Did you watch tonight's premiere?  If so, what grade would YOU have given it?  And for fun - comment below with the name of the girl that you think Juan Pablo will choose at the end, so you can come back in a couple of months and see how close you were!  Feel free to leave other comments or tweet me @theonlytrace!

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

A look back at 2013!

From a small idea of Austin's spawned AustHan's World on January 1st, 2013.  While we are both amateurs at best in the world of blogging, I would say that the first year of AustHan's World went really well.  We have tried many different ideas, from drafts, Big Brother brackets, Throwback Thursday posts, and more.  Also, I have AustHan's World to thank for a couple cool experiences.  So, I have decided to write this post as a tribute to AustHan's World's first year on the internet.


To you, this probably isn't that exciting or monumental, but we were total nerds about this when it first happened.  Our Twitter DMs consisted of us repeatedly sending the link back and forth for a nice moment in time.  Like I said, both of us were complete newbies to this, so that was a memorable moment!

The infamous AHW drafts:

When AustHan's World first started, we tried to come up with fun things to do that'd hold our interest.  For that reason, we started doing drafts for all of our favorite shows.  In 2013, we did drafts for 14 different shows, if I did the math correctly, and currently only 11 of those have drawn to a close.  The results of those 11:
  1. Survivor: Caramoan:  The first draft of many.  (Hannah)
  2. HGTV Star (Austin)
  3. Food Network Star (Hannah)
  4. The American Baking Competition (Austin)
  5. Reality GameMasters (Hannah)
  6. Big Brother 15 (Hannah)
  7. The Great Food Truck Race, Season 4 (Austin)
  8. Survivor: Blood vs. Water (Hannah)
  9. The Amazing Race 23 (Hannah)
  10. Rachael vs. Guy: Kids Cook-Off (Austin)
  11. Dancing with the Stars, Season 17 (Hannah)
  12. Shark Tank (In progress, but I have failed miserably at keeping track of it.)
  13. Biggest Loser: Second Chances 2 (In progress)
  14. Project Runway: All-Stars 3 (In progress)
So, as for finished drafts, I have won 7 and Austin has won 4.  However, there's still a possibility of tying!  Here's to hoping that doesn't happen, though!

Interacting with the people we wrote about and/or drafted:

Twitter really is a wonderful thing.  I remember it was the first month or two of having the website and Celeste (winner of the first season of 'King of the Nerds') commented on one of my recaps and posted one of the pictures that I edited on her Tumblr.  That was a cool experience and it, along with many other similar ones, bring a different level of fun to blogging.

That time when I met the Food Network Stars that I blogged about:

After it was all said and done, I wrote a post about it, but I was able to go to Cleveland and meet five of the people from the most recent season of the Food Network's Food Network Star.  I had never met people before who I had watched on TV, so that was new and very neat.  And I got to meet and hang out with Viet so that was obviously the best part of it all.  Ha!  I also got to visit the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame for the first time ever on that trip.  It was a great weekend made possible thanks to AustHan's World!

So there's a brief overview of AustHan's World's first year.  My seasonal Bachelor/Bachelorette post and our draft for Survivor: Cagayan will be up within the first couple weeks of the year.  If you've read our posts, commented on them, followed us on Twitter, or shown any other form of support, thank you so much!  This is something we started up for fun and it's made even more fun when we can see that others enjoy it too.  Here's to a great year in 2014, for AustHan's World and YOU!

AustHan drafts 'King of the Nerds' (Season 2)!

Last year, I saw commercials for a show called 'King of the Nerds' and, being the nerd that I admittedly am, I made sure to watch it.  The premiere was spectacular and I was obsessed with the entire season.  So much so that I even wrote recaps on a few of the episodes. (Here is my recap of the first episode.  It was actually one of my first recaps ever!)  Anyway, I really loved last season and have high hopes for this new one.  But one of my regrets from 2013 was the fact that Austin and I never drafted that first season.  We were still too new to the blogging world and trying to figure everything out.  You better believe that I made sure we drafted this season though!  The results fell as follows:

As you can see, this was another one of those drafts for a show with an odd number of contestants.  I hate these kinds of drafts, but we've decided that Kayla will join the team that wins the first Nerd-Off of the season.  I was the first to pick in this draft thanks to my lovely draft win over Austin on Survivor: Blood vs. Water.  Overall, pretty pleased!  I will make it my mission to recap every episode this season!  

'King of the Nerds' returns to TBS on Thursday, January 23rd!

Are you going to watch this season of King of the Nerds?  
Are you #TeamHannah or #TeamAustin?  
Tell us in the comments below or tweet me @theonlytrace!

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

AHW Dancing with the Stars Draft Update!

I've missed a couple Dancing with the Stars draft updates considering my loss of interest after Breta's departure a few weeks back.  So, I'm just going to give a quick week-by-week update and then finish the post off with my hopes for tonight's finale on ABC.  As an added bonus, I'll do a week-by-week update for the whole season to make up for my laziness the past couple of episodes.

The winning team each week gains 2 points.
When there is an elimination of a draft pick, your team loses 1 point.
If the third place finisher is on your team, you gain 3 points.
If the runner-up is on your team, you gain 4 points.
If the WINNER is on your team, you gain 5 points.

Week #1:
Austin's team had the higher average; No one was eliminated.
Team Austin:  2 points (+2)
Team Hannah:  0 points

Week #2:
Hannah's team had the higher average.  Keyshawn Johnson (Team Austin) was eliminated.
Team Austin:  1 point (-1)
Team Hannah:  2 points (+2)

Week #3:
Hannah's team had the higher average.  Bill Nye (Team Hannah) was eliminated.
Team Austin:  1 point
Team Hannah:  3 points (+2) (-1)

Week #4:
Hannah's team had the higher average.  Valerie Harper (Team Austin) was eliminated.
Team Austin:  0 points (-1)
Team Hannah:  5 points (+2)

Week #5: 
Hannah's team had the higher average.  Christina Milian (Team Hannah) was eliminated.
Team Austin:  0 points
Team Hannah:  6 points (+2) (-1)

Week #6:
Austin's team had the higher average.  No one was eliminated.
Team Austin: 2 points (+2)
Team Hannah:  6 points

Week #7:
Hannah's team had the higher average.  Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi (Team Austin) was eliminated.
Team Austin: 1 point (-1)
Team Hannah:  8 points (+2)

Week #8:
Hannah's team had the higher average.  Brant Daugherty (Team Hannah) was eliminated.
Team Austin:  1 point
Team Hannah:  9 points (+2) (-1)

Week #9:
Austin's team had the higher average.  Elizabeth Berkley (Team Austin) was eliminated.
Team Austin:  2 points (+2) (-1)
Team Hannah:  9 points

Week #10:
Hannah's team had the higher average.  Leah Remini (Team Austin) was eliminated.
Team Austin:  1 point (-1)
Team Hannah:  11 points (+2)

Week #11, Part 1:
Hannah's team had the higher average.  Bill Engvall (Team Hannah) was eliminated.
Team Austin:  1 point
Team Hannah: 12 points (+2) (-1)

HOPES FOR TONIGHT'S FINALE:  I have been vocal the entire season about how I believe Corbin is on a whole different level than the other competitors on the show.  His freestyle last night was far and away the best dance I've probably ever seen on the show.  So, I HOPE he wins it tonight.  Given Dancing with the Stars' history of the best person NOT winning, I will probably predict that Amber will win.  She has a large, current fan base thanks to Glee which I could definitely see working in her favor.

As for the draft, it's not even possible for Austin to beat me at this point. (lol)

Sunday, November 17, 2013

AHW Dancing with the Stars Draft: Week #9 Update!

Photo Credit: ABC / Dancing with the Stars
Another week bites the dust and we are quickly approaching the finale!  Something that I am now quite grateful for!  I must admit, with the recent loss of #Breta, my interest level has dropped very low, to the point that I completely napped through this episode!  On this week's episode of Dancing with the Stars, the pairs had to dance one unlearned dance and also a trio dance (a dance with a third partner!)  What was my favorite dance of the night?  Also, in terms of the AustHan's World Dancing with the Stars draft, which team came out of the night as the winner?  And which team lost another team member?

Favorite Dance of the Night: So the largest part of me feels that I should give Corbin's Jazz trio dance (with which he scored a 30) the title of my favorite dance of the episode.  But no, my friends, no.. the smaller part of me rebels!  My favorite dance of the night was actually Amber and Derek's trio dance with Mark Ballas.  It was a fast-paced Salsa and they ended up scoring a 27, so clearly, there were some improvements to be made about it.  But I just love when Mark and Derek pair up, whether it's singing or dancing.  They're so talented.  #ForeverJealousOfAmber

The draft results for Week #7:

#TeamHannah Scores:  24 + 27 + 28 + 30 + 21 + 21 = 151 / 6
Average Score of  25.17
#TeamAustin Scores:  27 + 27 + 29 + 25 + 26 + 30 = 164 / 6
Average Score of 27.33

This means that #TeamAustin basically ran away with the win for the week!  At the end of the episode, it was announced that Elizabeth and Bill would be the last two to find out their fate in the competition.  In the end, Elizabeth was shockingly the seventh person eliminated from the competition!  So, Austin gains 2 points for winning this episode while losing 1 point and a member of #TeamAustin

Current AustHan's World Dancing with the Stars Draft Standings:
Team Hannah: 9 points
Team Austin: 2 points

My thoughts on tonight's elimination:  I had my doubts about whether or not Elizabeth would have the fanbase needed to carry her through the entire competition.  Because of this fact, I chose to not pick her in the draft, although I did think there was a possibility that she could "Jennie Garth" it.  (She came in fourth place on season five.)  But despite these doubts, it was undeniable that Elizabeth and Val were one of the best pairs in the competition from the very start.  In the end, I think Elizabeth's personality wasn't helpful in bringing in fans and her pre-existing SBTB fans were just not enough.

I am 90% okay with her elimination, mostly because she is not on my team and was always a key factor in helping Austin's team beat me in the weekly scores.  The 10% not okay is based on the fact of where this competition is headed.  Sure, Corbin is extremely talented and far away the best left in the competition now.  But Amber and Jack are just okay - not worthy winners, in my opinion.  And I think we all know where my opinion lies on Bill and Leah.  Despite all of this, I am grateful to Elizabeth and Val for one thing this season - the Saved by the Bell-inspired jive!

With seven stars eliminated from the show, only five remain to dance for the
winning title!  Who do you think has what it takes?  
Photo Credit: ABC / DWTS
Are you happy with this week's elimination?  What was your favorite dance of the night and why?  Feel free to tell me in the comments below!