Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Vote AustHan to play in RRBB All-Stars 2!

If you follow the game RRBB on Twitter, or our posts, you know that Austin played in season 8 and I, Hannah, played in season 9.  Both of us went pre-jury, but I have faith that we could do better given a second chance!  So please vote for us on the poll that I have linked.  It could give us a better chance of playing in the tenth season - which will be All-Stars 2!  You can vote once a day.

We are both closer to the end of the poll/list.  Vote Austin (Season 8) and Hannah (Season 9)!

Click here to vote!

RRBB is a Twitter game much like Big Brother hosted by Reality Radar.  You can follow the game on Twitter @RRBBGame!  All-Stars 2 is set to start in 1-3 weeks.

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