Thursday, March 6, 2014

Hannah ranks the Final 4 of 'King of the Nerds 2!'

Recently, I ranked the Final 5.  If you read that post, you probably are taken aback by my rankings of the Final 4.  What can I say?  I'm feeling dangerous.  Plus, I always seem to be wrong, so I'm thinking if I do the opposite of usual, I'll have a chance at being right for once!  What do you think about my ranking of the final 4? (Based on who I think has the greatest chance of winning to the least.)  Tell me in the comments below or on Twitter @theonlytrace!

Also, before I go, I would like to first give a huge thanks to Zack.  Zack, you were a fantastic character and competitor this season and unlike any other nerd to come before you.  Your commentary and confessionals were always on point.  You may have been the "outcast" of the season, but you were always you which I think is highly commendable.  Your self-confidence is inspiring to me, and I'm sure to many other fellow nerds.  If there's an All-Stars season, I'm almost positive you'll be invited so PLEASE ACCEPT.  Thank you for making this season amazing!  You gave #TeamHannah life!

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