Tuesday, March 4, 2014

AustHan drafts the 'Big Brother: Canada 2' Houseguests!

Big Brother: Canada's second season premieres tomorrow night!  Austin and I drafted tonight on the eve of its premiere.  Austin has been absolutely killing it in the drafts this year, so he got to choose first in this draft.  Same draft rules as always: the person who picks the winner wins the draft.  There's a "mystery houseguest" that has all of Twitter up in arms.  Austin and I decided to add the mystery houseguest into the draft.  We each picked 7 people for our team, leaving one houseguest up for grabs.  The first person to lose a houseguest will get the leftover houseguest.  I believe that covers all the basics of this draft, so here are the results:

Are you rooting for #TeamAustin or #TeamHannah?
Tell us in the comments below and/or on Twitter!
Big Brother: Canada 2 premieres tomorrow night!

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