Wednesday, January 22, 2014

AustHan drafts the 'Survivor: Cagayan' castaways!

Another season of Survivor is rapidly approaching!  Survivor: Cagayan is the third Survivor draft that Austin and I have done, and it's quite possible that the third time could be the charm for Austin!  Of course we couldn't go through a season of this show without drafting it, so promptly after today's cast reveal, we planned out some time from our schedules to do this season's draft!  Since we did two drafts today, I let Austin choose which draft he wanted to pick first in.  Of course he chose this one.  Who wouldn't?  The results fell as follows:

Although the draft started off on a poor note when Austin chose Garrett (my first overall pick), I feel decent about these results.  I am obviously #TeamBrains so I'm happy to have four of them on my team!  My other choices aren't too terrible either.

Are you #TeamHannah or #TeamAustin?
Survivor: Cagayan premieres Wednesday, February 26th at 8 pm on CBS!

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