Sunday, June 2, 2013

Dear BB... Volume 2

It’s Sunday Austhanites, and that means it’s time for another installment of #DearBB. On Friday afternoon, I (with the help of @_BBGossip) launched the hashtag #BB15Wishes on Twitter. This week, we’ll take a look at some of those wishes and see what the #BB15 fandom is hoping to see on June 26th.

 This wish really stuck out to me! It’s rare that we see a fan who isn’t interested in seeing a showmance evolve. With the exception of Brenchel, the showmance is often made up of America’s Sweethearts. Fans love to watch the relationship grow before our eyes. That said, I think it’s refreshing! How many more showmances can we possibly endure? It’s become stereotypical! You can almost (and I’ve done it before!) look at the cast bios and pinpoint the pre-manufactured (based on the way casting works) couple. This season I agree with Terri, I want to see the game being played. Leave your showmances at home houseguests!

Lindsey’s wish is excellent! And one that BB fans have been lobbying for, for quite sometime. Obviously, the feeds are left off for a certain amount of time to preserve the weekly shows. We get that! We’re not asking to watch the competitions play out, we just want to know the results sooner. With #LiveFeedFiasco2013 well underway, I’m not expecting to see this improve. Truth be told, my expectations are quite low! CBS has always controlled the content of the feeds. It’s highly unlikely that they’ll allow us more viewing time now. But, it’s always a possibility! And, one that would excite many a BB fan!

Yes! Yes! YES! This wish is perfection! How boring is it when only Frank wins HOH every other week? Or Dani D wins POV? The answer is SUPER! We can only hope to see a season full of true gamers this summer. Personally, I want to see the power shift from week to week. Regardless of whom my favorites are, or if that means they’re in jeopardy. Above all, my love for Big Brother is game based. Bring the heat CBS! A small group of us we have faith in you!

I specifically choose this Tweet because I found it to be hysterical. Those of you who are familiar with the famous Zachary Nicolos – Of BB14 shout-out fame, know that he’s obsessed with the ever growing demographic of reality TV blondes. From Big Brother’s Britney, to Survivor’s Andrea, this guy is on a never ending quest to see his favorite blonde win it all. So for you Zachary Nicolos, I am wishing that #BB15 sees an attractive blonde winner!  #ZachsBlondes

Thank you to all who've submitted #BB15Wishes, and a huge thanks to those mentioned above. Keep the hash alive until the show's premiere. Maybe some of our wishes will be granted! We just have to look at Alison Grodner and her crew as genies in a bottle. The fans have to rub them the right way! #ThanksXTina

It’s likely to be a big week for #BB15, with rumors swirling all over the interwebs. And as always, we’ve got you covered here at AHW! I’m predicting #BBFL info to be released any day now, and I’m also throwing out my theory that a new commercial featuring the new or updated house exterior to debut on Wednesday night during #AmericanBakingCompetition. Will I be right? I guess we’ll see! Either way, we’ll keep you posted! 

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