Saturday, June 1, 2013

Day #2 of the 26 Days of Eric Stein!

The first time America saw most of the BB8 cast together!
"You can't spell AmERICa without Eric!"

Seeing as how BB8 is my favorite "post BB7" season (the only other season that comes close is BB14), this picture is pretty significant.  The only way that this picture could be better is if the remaining three houseguests were present!  (Side note: Honestly.  How adorable is Eric?!)  

I guess you could say this post is pretty significant!  Because the quote is as well!  Eric was America's Player, which in the end, hurt his game greatly, but provided all of America with tons of entertainment.  I'm not going in-depth with the AP thing (since I'll expand on it in days to come!)  but America's Player was one of my favorite Big Brother twists, and definitely my favorite one post BB7!  In seasons post-BB8, it has been proven that America's Player lived and died with Eric Stein in the Big Brother game.  Because let's be honest, no one can top his performance.  He may have finished 5th (which I blame fully on AP and Zach), but he finished 1st in our hearts!.. or at least mine!

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