Friday, May 31, 2013

Day #1 of the 26 Days of Eric Stein!

From one of his infamous MySpace blogs:
"LOL has to be the most overused expression in the entire internet and texting universe.  I mean, in real life I don't go around proclaiming "I'm laughing out loud!"  I think it's time to start a new wave of terminology.  I will offer up GLASG ("giggling like a school girl")."

This seemed like the perfect Eric Stein quote to start off the 26 Days of Eric Stein (27?).  May you scrap "LOL" from your vocabulary in exchange for "GLASG!"  (Fun Fact:  Back when I first joined Twitter in 2009, I was still quite the Eric Stein fangirl.  I frequently tried to single-handedly trend #ericstein on Twitter (This might explain why I had, maybe, 20 followers back then.) and used the term GLASG when talking to others.  And.. other people started using it, too!  I'm serious!  It's like 4 years later and I still sometimes see some of those people using it!  This clearly shows the #AustHanImpact on the globe! (the Twitter globe!))

Oh, and I chose this picture because it was one of my favorite Eric moments from BB8.  And that's saying something, because every Eric moment was, at some point, my favorite Eric moment from BB8!

Feel free to comment below, or tweet me at @theonlytrace, telling your love for Eric Stein. We'll probably become best friends.  Also, if there's an Eric quote or picture that you have a great amount of love for, send that to me too!

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