The BB9 Houseguests |
Why Austin Loved BB9:
It was on during the winter!
If you are as obsessive over BB as I, you were likely ecstatic
over the writers strike of 2008. Big Brother is a once a year event. Like
Christmas! Imagine if tomorrow it was announced that we in America would begin
celebrating Christmas twice a year. Most people would be pretty thrilled! I
remember the moment I found out a winter edition of BB was in the works. It was
a chilly night in December, and I was lounging on my couch half a sleep, the
CBS evening news playing faintly in the background. When a segment about the looming writers
strike came on, I was barely paying attention. Until they mentioned the
following, “reality shows, such as Big Brother, which will air its first winter
season, will play a large role in getting through the strike” I immediately
sprung from my cat nap and grabbed my lap top. To Google I went, for more
information on this exciting subject. Low and behold a winter season was in the
works! I circled the premiere date on my calendar, and anxiously awaited the
start of the season. When premiere day finally arrived, it’s quite possible
that I missed the first hour of school so I could stay home and watch the Early
Show so I could see the house tour and meet the new houseguests. I have no
The cast was EPIC!
Whether you want to believe it or not, the cast of BB9 was
amazing! I can honestly say that there is but one person from the season that I’d
prefer to never see on my TV again. Which I probably don’t have to worry about
happening, as I believe he is “busy” for the next few years…
My favorites from this season include:
Sheila – What is not to love about Sheila? She was amazing!
I was so distraught over eviction. She was also “45 frickin’ years old” which
she lovingly reminded us everyday. My feelings for Sheila are about as equal as
my feelings for Britney. Which, we all know are strong!
Sharon – Sharon was homegirl was before Julie Chen was Frank’s!
She was from the same area as I, so I immediately began rooting for her. Not to
mention the fact that I just liked her as a person. She was funny, and she was
great at playing the game. The way she cared for those guinea-pigs was also
quite entertaining. #BEEEBBBBIIIEEESSS
Joshuah – Where do I begin with Josh? This guy was
HILLARIOUS! He was super dramatic, and super gamey. Which are all things that
make me happy in life! I loved his partnership with Sharon also. I vividly
remember BBAD coming on the night of the premiere and seeing Sharon back in the
house with him in the first scene. I immediately ran around cheering!
Alex – Alex was robbed! I honestly feel like he could have
been one of the real gamers that season. His downfall was Amanda! I liked
Amanda, but I liked Alex more. His talk show was also amazing, and I could have
stood to watch more of that. Of the BB9ers, Alex is one of the ones I’d love to
see return. Possibly wish Sheila? She did have a huge crush on him after all!
I won’t detail the remaining favorites, but I was a fan of
Crazy James, Amanda, and Matt and Natalie. So essentially, I rooted for four
couples and Sheila.
Most Insane Moments of BB9:
Umm, where do I even begin with this? There are so many! I’ll
rank them in order of importance.
- The most EPIC BB fight of all time – It all took place in the backyard, and featured Josh, Alex, and Chelsia in a brawl with Amanda. There was talk of a noose, rape, and someone was called horse face. It all ended with Allison rushing a crying Amanda out of the backyard like she was a Jerry Spring handler. Fun Fact: I’ve watched this on YouTube at least twice a year since it occurred!
- Chelsia Vs. Easter Eggs – With her impending eviction looming, Chelisa cracked (pun fully intended) on the holy day of 2008. The houseguests had painted some eggs, when they were “D-U-N” done, things got a bit spicy when Chelsia decided to smash all of them in an epically hilarious meltdown.
- Chelsia’s Eviction Speech – Probably the best speech in the history of Big Brother, nothing I can say would do it justice. It involved calling people out, people being rode hard and put away wet, and friendly advice to a fellow houseguest to pursue an education.
- Medical Emergency – Both Amanda and Allison just happened to need emergency medical attention at the same time. It was quite possibly one of the most intense moments of the show. Amanda suffered from hypoglycemia and had a seizure, while Allison experienced an allergic reaction. Both were taken from the house and rushed to the ER. They both returned later, feeling much better.
- Joshuah and Natalie Bless the BB House – In order to ward off the evil spirits in the BB house, Natalie and Josh decide to bless the house with Sharon’s precious moments bible and some “holy” water. An instant classic!
- That Time Alison and Sheila Pretended to be Lesbians - In a genius plan, these two besties decided they'd pretend to be lesbian life partners. It didn't work it so well!
- Fight 1
- Fight 2
- Fight 3
- Fight 13,679
- Do you get where I'm going with this?
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