The Recap:
(Photo Credit: Food Network) |
Yes, this recap/review is a week late. No, I don't have a valid excuse. A part of me was like "Maybe I'll skip this one!" but there was no way I could skip this one! This episode revolved around working live on camera. Terrence Jenkins - co-anchor of E! News - was a guest for the first half of the episode. In the first challenge of the episode, each remaining contestant worked one-on-one with Terrence for a live camera challenge. They were all told to make the same thing - a sausage and pepper sandwich, but there was a twist. A different obstacle was thrown at each one without them knowing it was going to happen. Some of the highlights of this challenge included Viet's "Where are the peppers? What happened to the peppers?" (when they removed the peppers from his station - that were there just before it was his turn.) and Russell's domination when the lights went off during his camera challenge. The winner of this small challenge, though, was Rodney. Terrence rushed him on time (giving him 2 less minutes than the others) and Rodney still did a great job and was understandable - this win gave him an advantage in the main challenge.
Chad with guest Terrence Jenkins(Photo Credit: Food Network) |
So, what was the advantage? The challenge ended up being another live camera challenge which involved different 4th of July stations. Rodney's advantage was that he got to pick who got each station - which included picking his own station. Stations fell as follows:
Rodney - Dessert
Nikki - Fried Chicken (A challenge for her because of her semi-vegetarian POV)
Russell - Potato Salad
Viet - Chips and Dips
Chad - Veggies (A challenge for him because of his BBQ ways)
Damaris - Drinks
Stacey - Butcher Station/Meat
Chris - Cole Slaw
A lot of them struggled with their viewer questions. Stacey was the winner of the challenge, as she made both her guests and herself stars during her part of the camera challenge. Viet and Russell both landed in the bottom two - with Viet ultimately being the one sent home. Reasoning for Viet's elimination was that they didn't know if he was cut out for the job. They didn't know if he was confident enough for it.
The Review:
(Photo credit: Food Network) |
Seeing as how this was Viet's last week on the show - I'll obviously throw the first section his way. I had this episode spoiled for me the night before it aired and that combined with the fact that I've had a week to get over it, which means I've already gone through all
five stages of grief. I think I could have seen this elimination coming though, spoiler or no spoiler. I don't necessarily think that Viet should have been the one eliminated this week. (For the record: I think Rodney should have been the one eliminated. I enjoy Rodney's personality and that is probably why they kept him, but in my opinion, he has never taken a risk over of the course of these five episodes. We have seen variations of pies from him, but the judges haven't been too impressed with any of them. See, I wasn't saying that out of bitterness, just some real talk.) This week I also got to watch Extreme Chef season 2 in which Viet placed second. (Thanks FN for this! I'm choosing to believe it was put in the schedule just for me.) Extreme Chef showed the kick-buttness of Viet's skills. I couldn't even be sad about his NFNS exit. He's a great chef and won't need a show to stay successful (I mean, I think all of these 8 will be successful without shows, but I'm just saying.).. I'm not going to lie though, I will miss him...... ahh... okay, I'm done.
Worst (Best?) Bottom Two ever? (Photo Credit: Food Network) |
(Okay, I lied. I wish I had seen Extreme Chef 2 prior to this season of NFNS. Besides the switch from the villain edit to the smiley edit, one thing that stood out was how confident Viet was on Extreme Chef. I think he was truly in his element on Extreme Chef, whereas NFNS fell outside of his comfort zone. Oh well, nonetheless amazing.)
As we should have predicted by now, Russell indeed continued us on the Russell rollercoaster - landing in the bottom this week. On the plus side, that means he should be in the top for the next episode, but we'll see! Other Russell things from this episode that I feel it's necessary to point out are: 1.) The fact that he was absolutely awesome at throwing to a commercial break. In this moment, I could see everything! I felt like I imagine psychics feel on a regular basis! I could SEE Russell's show.. it was like, right there! and 2.) The fact that he started out flipping burgers at a McDonald's. This made me question everything! Should I have chosen McDonald's over Wendy's for my pre-real life job job? Why do you never hear of any successful people (chefs, celebrities, etc.) getting their start at a Wendy's? Why are they always McDonald's workers?!
Two words: Stacey's Shirt. (FTW)
(Photo Credit: Food Network) |
Other moments I loved about this episode: 1.) STACEY'S SHIRT! Her 4th of July inspired shirt was truly amazing and I know it's the reason she did so well and ended up winning the challenge! 2.) Chris saying that him being loud was him being passionate. "PUT THE CORN IN THE BOWL!" 3.) Damaris did the shimmy again! If she wins, I expect her show to be shimmy-filled! and 4.) Nikki and Chad both killing the challenge (the good kind of killing) even though they were thrown out of their comfort zones.
With Viet eliminated from the competition, only 7 remain to compere for the title of the
Next Food Network Star! Who will it be? (Original Photo Credit: Food Network) |
AustHan Draft Update: At this point it's looking great for
#TeamHannah, but I'm not going to become too overconfident (like Austin did with Survivor... where.. let's just say, he ended up getting demolished.) but at this point, I have only lost one draft member - Danushka. I still have Damaris, Russell, Nikki, Stacey, and Chris in the competition. Whereas Austin has only Chad and Rodney left. I truly only see Chad as Austin's real contender - but I could see a Chad win! So, alas, me not getting my hopes up! I'll just spend my time hoping it works out for
#TeamHannah.. after all, I have great faith in them! (Truly, which of these five is not insanely awesome? None.. that's right. None.)
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