Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Day #19 of the 26 Days of Eric Stein!

"The sad thing is my arms and legs, they looked pretty decent in the dress.  I am a fairly petite fellow, but y'know, I pay up.. I paid the piper and I did what was asked of me."

Today's picture and quote come from episode 20, when Eric and Jessica played beer pong against Daniele and Zach and each team placed bets against one another.  The BB8 cast played a lot of beer pong while in the house and I don't think many other houseguests in other seasons have done so.  I think it's stuff like that that keeps live feeds viewers entertained though, so I can only hope that the BB15 houseguests break it out again this season, or at least find their own way to entertain themselves and us viewers.  Some of the bets that were made in these games were:
  1. If Eric and Jessica won, Zach would have to wear Jen's bikini.  If Eric and Jessica lost, Eric would have to wear women's size small booty shorts. (Eric and Jessica lost, and Eric paid up on the bet.)
  2. Whatever team lost, the teammates would have to wear each other's clothing.  This is what today's quote and picture come from - so you can therefore see that Eric and Jessica also lost that bet.  (Note: How in the world would this one have worked out had Zach and Daniele lost?  Given their differences in size, I'm pretty sure that Zach wouldn't be able to fit in ANY of Daniele's clothing?)

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