Monday, June 17, 2013

Day #17 of the 26 Days of Eric Stein!

"In all sincerity, Earl was a big part of my life for the past 7 years.  As a pet, he was somewhat boring to watch, impossible to play with, and angry at the world - overall, he was quite surly.  However, he was my surly iguana and he will be sorely missed.  RIP Earl."

This is how I like to imagine
Earl the iguana.
It's been a while, so I'll make today's quote one from another one of Eric's MySpace blogs.  This one was about the death of his pet iguana, Earl.  While it was a sad post, it had the Eric touch of humor in it and was quite amazing.  The way he described Earl as being "angry at the world" makes me imagine Earl as being almost as hilarious as Eric. (Other reasons to quote this quote:  It has been almost 7 years since BB8 - okay, so, 6 years in actuality, but that's almost the same thing.  So that would mean Eric has ~somewhat~ been a part of my life for the past 7 (but really, 6) years.  Also, the timing is pretty spot-on since Eric was just eliminated from Reality GameMasters and he will be sorely missed from that.. by me, at least.)

And today's picture doesn't related at all to the post, but it was one of my favorite Eric pictures during the summer of 2007 and I'm pretty sure I used it as my MySpace profile picture for an extended amount of time.

And in all sincerity, this post reminds me of this song

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