What happens when you take five people under the age of 30,
and five people over the age of 70, and lock them in a house for several weeks?
Something amazing, that’s what!
This something amazing is the premise for the new TV Land
show Forever Young! Let me start by saying how obsessed I am with this show. From
the first time I saw a promo, I knew that this show was gold. And, as I found
out twice this weekend, I was right.
In the first episode, we see the group moving into the house
that they will share in sunny California. The seniors (the over 70 group) are
the first to arrive. In this group, we have;
Lou – Lou was born in 1937, and enjoys playing hand ball.
Arthur/Double A – Arthur was born in 1932, and is a racquet
ball instructor.
Shirley – Shirley (my girl!) was born in 1928, and loves
doing Zumba and yoga.
Emileen – Emileen is 75 years young and recently lost her
Eugene – Eugene was born in 1933 and is a Korean war vet.
I am in love with the seniors! They are hysterical! Shirley
is the stand out favorite among this group, for many reasons. Because I am so
supportive of my girl Shirl, I have included some of her top quotes for you! This will likely be a weekly section of my
Forever Young recaps.
Shirley’s World:
“I only wear thongs!”
Angelina –“Tell it (a GPS) to shut up!” Shirley (looks at
And then we have the junior crowd, who arrive to find a house full of elderly roommates.
Andree – Andree was born in 1985 and loves music.
Angelina – Angelina was born in 1987 and likes to shoot pool
and eat fried calamari.
Christian – Christian was born in 1988 and loves his kittens
and Tyra Banks.
Mike – Mike was born in 1986 and claims to be spontaneous
and adventurous.
Sam – Sam was born in 1988 and describes himself as happy go
There is an immediate feeling of “we’re living with old
people?!?!” from the juniors, as everyone begins to get acquainted and settle
in. Their first task as a house, is to take $500.00 and go grocery shopping.
The seniors wanted to pick up a lot of fruit and vegetables, while the juniors focused
on junk food. Shirley likes to read all of the labels, and prices before she
makes a purchase. Some of the items on the group’s lists include;
- Alarm Clock
- Bubble Bath
- Fruit
- Vegetables
- Clorox Wipes
- Light Bulbs
- Kleenex
- Chocolate
- Chocolate
- Chocolate
- Choclate
- Diapers for the seniors
After their first night in the house, the junior girls are
woken up by Shirley and Emileen who awake at 6:00 AM courtesy of their new
alarm clock. Tragedy strikes when Emileen can’t find her underwear. It is also
revealed that Shirley only wears thongs.
Soon, it’s time for the first challenge of the season. Bridging
the gap! The goal of this, was to see what the seniors knew about the juniors
generation, and what the juniors knew about the seniors generation. Now
personally, I feel as if I would have killed this challenge. I knew old people
really well! I don’t know if the juniors were just acting, but some of them
have been living under a rock. In the end, they did beat the seniors (thanks to
Christian!) but not by much. I was quite impressed by the heat the seniors were
throwing. Double A got a Jonas Brothers question instantly, because they stayed
at the hotel that he teaches racquet ball at. He said it was like Frank Sinatra
was there…I’ll let that one slide.
Memorable Bridging the Gap Quotes:
“What is a bromance?” Shirley – “Two men having sex together!”
A picture of Lucille Ball is shown: Andree – “Betty Garland!”
Mike answers that WWII came before the civil war “Anybody
who went to school should have known that!” - Eugene
Following this, it was time to pair up the two generations for a scavenger hunt. The seniors have to use a GPS for the first leg. Once they arrive at the destination, the juniors have to use a type writer to type a note. The seniors then have to take a photo of this using a digital camera. Onto the next task, the juniors are required to use a map to get them to their next destination, the top of Mulholland drive. Once they arrive, they must take a photo and race back to the house. Andree and Lou are in the lead, and make it back to the house first. The final challenge is for the seniors to print the photos from the camera using a laptop. The juniors are allowed to instruct, but they may not watch as the seniors complete the task. Eugene is struggling, and soon Shirley and Angelina arrive. Luckily for Andree and Lou, Shirley isn’t computer literate either. So, they could still take the win. Andree wants to get the photos printed before Emileen and Sam arrive, because she knows that Emileen is “good with computers”. No sooner than she says this, do Sam and Emileen arrive. Following their arrival, Christian and Eugene arrive. Mike and Arthur arrive last, but were disqualified for leaving their bag at the house.
It’s a close race, but after a few minutes Emileen prints
the photos that she and Sam took and they win the challenge. Their prize is a
tablet and an MP3 player. Emileen is quite excited about the tablet! Shocking,
right? She’s so hip! I love it!
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Courtesy of TV Land |
The episode concludes with another fire side chat. Shirley
is rocking a fur coat at this one! In true Shirley style. The topic of
discussion is how the juniors really can learn a thing or two from the seniors,
and that the seniors can learn a thing or two from the juniors. Things take a
tense turn when Shirley calls out Angelina for the walls that she puts up. She’s
very abrasive, and they group wants her to open up. After a small breakdown,
Angelina reveals that she has been a lesbian for the last 4 years. She is
afraid to tell her mother, because she is all she has. She doesn't want to let
her down! The group promises that they will be there for her, and Shirley urges
her to tell her mother. And to “free yourself girlfriend!” something only
Shirlz would say. The juniors were shocked by the acceptance of the seniors,
but also encouraged.
So, that is episode one of Forever Young in a nutshell. I am
beyond in love with this show! It has quickly become an AustHan favorite. Don’t
forget to check into the AHW each week to get caught up on my thoughts on the
latest episode.
Have information on the casting for Forever Young? Send it
our way! Either via Twitter or in the comments below. Hannah and I are both
obsessed with living in the house with a crop of seniors next season. Assuming that
there is one, and let’s hopes that there is, because I might have a minor freak-out
if there isn't!
Forever Young airs Wednesday nights on TV Land.
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