
Sunday, May 26, 2013

Diaries of a Reality TV Applicant: BB15 Edition

Let me start by saying that this is in no way a Dan Gheesling hate sesh. I love the king (arguable to some) of BB as much as the next person. Possibly more, considering my top two bucket list items are to win Big Brother, and befriend Dan Gheesling…in that order. I even have the autographed photo I received from my SuperPass stint proudly displayed. So, imagine my obsession a few years ago when the Big Brother genius wrote a book, aimed at helping ME get on reality TV. I was more excited than juicy Joe Giudice talking to a “business associate” in a vineyard! For those of you who aren't fluent in Bravo, that’s pretty excited!

I pawed over Dan’s book numerous times, watched his videos, listened to his podcasts, (of which is where this story takes off) and banked on getting on reality TV just because I had done all of those things. I even dedicated an entire speech (of which I used my mist on and got an A!) in my Public Speaking class to the book last semester.  

I've studied Dan's book front and back since its debut. I've used the tactics he's provided, and built a basic outline for every casting video I've submitted since. The tools that Dan provides are excellent, but I came to a realization early last week. As I sat looking like the famous internet grumpy cat, sulking in my BB15 casting defeat (yes, to all of the people that I lied to and said I decided not to apply this season, I did indeed apply), I decided to listen to Dan’s podcast with Robyn Kass, the Willy Wonka of reality TV casting. And, notably the only woman I've ever anticipated receiving a phone call from with such intensity!

As I listened to the podcast, feverishly taking notes on what to do next season, I had a realization. Robyn was talking about being authentic. Something I like to think I’m pretty good at! But, that’s the thing; Austin the person is great at being authentic. Austin the guy who wants to be on Big Brother was doing anything he could to get noticed. It was then that I realized that I had spent way too much time building my “character” instead of letting my “character” build himself.

Anyone who has read Dan’s book knows that there is a heavy emphasis on building your casting story. This is great! I’m not knocking that whatsoever. Obviously, I followed those instructions a little too closely. I poured way too much energy into it! This is likely the reason I wasn't chosen for The Real World last summer, Survivor in the fall, or Big Brother this summer. In re-watching my BB15 tape, which really wasn't that horrible production wise, I noticed that I was essentially only telling the producers what they wanted to hear. As a writer, I consider myself a decent storyteller…on paper. My story came off a little too polished. It wasn't spontaneous! There was no genuine (or should I say jenuine) quality to it. I became the applicant that I always told myself I wouldn't be…the schmoozer. The used car salesman! I presented myself as a Honda, when we all know I'm a Range Rover! 

I am in no way blaming Dan for my casting misfortune, it wasn't a complete bust, it just wasn't a rousing success. I am however encouraging fans who plan to apply for the show, (and other shows) to spend less time building their character. Focus more on telling stories that cast you in an authentic and personable light. Be yourself! I really feel like the whole "character" thing comes later on. One of the most important things that I took from Dan’s podcast, were the stories that Robyn shared with him about past houseguests casting tapes, namely Britney, Dr. Will, and Boogie. Each of these then applicants showed Robyn and her team exactly who they were, exactly who we at home saw on our TV screens. It would appear to me that they spent less time creating a story to tell, and more time introducing the casting producers to themselves as people. The same can be said for Dan’s tape as well. 

None of these people, Dan included, had a guide telling them how to get on reality TV. Luckily, we do! But, it’s my new-found opinion that said guide doesn't need to be followed religiously. It’s not the bible! No one really knows the art of what makes a winning video. The only sure fire way to get cast, is to make a solid first impression. As Dan says in his book, the casting tape is your “first handshake” and it needs to be firm.

With my hopes of going down in history as the winner of Big Brother 15 being put to rest (I've always felt a strong connection to BB16 anyway!), I will continue to perfect the art of pitching myself to casting producers. I’ll just be a little less reliant on Dan’s formula. At least as far as the video is concerned. The rest of his information is invaluable. The most success I've ever had in casting is with a video that I did without a script. Without a story! But, that’s a story for another time. My judgment was clouded, when I painted Dan as some casting genie that could get me where I wanted to be with one rub of the lamp (that sounded mildly creepy and borderline sexual…but I’ll go with it).

Hopefully my thoughts don’t offend Dan in any way. Obviously he’s one of my idols, next to Marky Mark of course. But, it’s my goal as a reality TV blogger to blog about reality TV. So, why not provide you all with something that could eventually benefit you? Something that is authentic! 

Only time will tell where my reality TV casting journey will take me, but one thing’s for sure, in order to be a product of reality TV, you have to be real. 

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