
Sunday, May 26, 2013

Dear BB...

With #BB15 premiering just one month from today, I thought it would be fun to get some insight as to what the show’s fans want to see this season. So, as any overly obsessed Big Brother fan would, I tool to Twitter. Hard hitting journalism at it's finest! 

 An excellent desire to have Richard! I agree with this. Mucho! There are plenty of things that we see the houseguests get away with every summer. Punishments help enforce rules! They also make for interesting TV.

In the BBUS house, there really aren’t many punishments. Aside from being a Have-Not (which can be evicted in favor of the old food competition system anytime now as far as I’m concerned! You listening BB?), the only other time we see houseguests being punished is when they launch fruit loops at each other in a bitter rage. I want to see Mike Boogie locked in a solitary room for cheating in a POV competition. I want to see Enzo thrown on the block when he eats with his face buried in the refrigerator while on slop. Do you see where I’m going with this?

As far as tasks are concerned, I think this is a great addition also. However, I see it fitting in as more of a twist. Perhaps a series of tasks could be given out in order to receive competition instructions. I’m running short on ideas where this category is concerned, but I do think it has some potential. Richard suggested something similar to BB Canada for this.

So, Big Brother, Richard and I both stand in agreement on this topic. Will you hear our cry?  We’ll find out in a month!

16 newbies, huh? Excellent! I really couldn't agree more with this statement. It’s time! We've been through our fair share of mixed casts in the last two seasons. While I can’t say that I've been entirely disappointed, I can say that I’m sad to see some of the BB talent used up in non all-star seasons. I don’t want to see more of said talent wasted. As SNL's girl you wished you hadn't started a conversation with at a party would say, it would be a trajesty

Big Brother can’t get away with using vets as often as a show like Survivor. Survivor has 26 seasons under it's belt, each featuring roughly 18 contestants. BB has a mere 14, featuring roughly 12 houseguests per season. I’m no Hannah when it comes to math (she’s a future math teacher for those who don’t follow the site as often!) but I’m pretty sure there’s a huge difference in the number of contestants there. Plain and simple, Survivor has more vets to choose from. Big Brother needs to focus on finding new talent!

One thing that immediately appeals to me is the extended #BB15 season. Why not make use of that and expand to 18 (or even a few more) houseguests? It’s rumored that a new house has been constructed, so we could potentially see this become a reality. Only time will tell!  This number would not only give us more people to cheer on at home, but likely increase the opportunities for tension inside the house. Always a plus! In addition to fan entertainment and conflict, this could also result in the possibility of more than one Double Eviction. Every true BB fan’s favorite night of the season! RIP Jessica and Eric…I’m still not over your D.E. circa 2007!

If you weren't able to weigh in on this question via Twitter, feel free to join the conversation in the comments below. Or, Tweet us your thoughts! . Chatting with other Big Brother fans is our favorite past time at AustHan’s World - aside from stalking Viet Pham of Food Network Star fame, or aggressively pursuing the possibility of clubbing with Ian Terry and John Cochran…don’t judge us! 

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