
Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Hannah and Cierra draft Twitter's RRBB8!

The first draft, that doesn't consist of both Austin and I, has now happened!  I joined my Twitter friend @cierraplessis to draft for the Twitter Big Brother game RRBB8! Austin is competing!  How exciting.. I imagine this is what it would (will) be like if Austin gets cast on Big Brother or another reality show.  The first twelve houseguests were announced Saturday night and I chose first for part one of the draft.  Then, four coaches were announced Sunday night and Cierra chose first for part two of the draft.  The results fell as follows:

We've rarely done point systems on our drafts, but this time around we're doing that.  Going all out for RRBB!  #TeamAustin Below are the current point standings on the scoreboard:

I must say.. I am quite excited about this draft.  I don't know many of the people on the cast (besides seeing a few of them play other Twitter games) but my two Twitter friends on the cast (Austin and Zach) are both on my team!  Winning!  I'm not sure how this will all turn out, but I am 100% #TeamAustin!  May he channel actual BB8 for RRBB8 and bring out his inner Eric Stein.  Currently, I don't believe this is happening, as Austin was chosen to play in the first veto and Eric was the king of not getting chosen!  Good luck to all competing and to Cierra in our draft!

You can follow the game of RRBB8 each night on Twitter @RRBBGame!
You can see more of the game by following the houseguests! 
(RRBB only follows those currently in the game.)
You can follow my fellow drafter @cierraplessis!

So the real question here is: #TeamHannah or #TeamCierra?  Tell us on Twitter!

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