
Wednesday, September 4, 2013

AustHan drafts the 'Dancing with the Stars' season 17 cast!

It's time for another fall reality television show draft brought to you by AustHan.  This time it's for season 17 of the hit ABC reality television series Dancing with the Stars!  I usually have a hard time getting into this show, but this cast seems particularly strong, so maybe I can hold interest this season.  I also believe that Austin is planning on doing recaps for this show, so that's something fun to look forward to.

For this draft, we consulted Twitter and had them choose a primary color.  Before this, I had chosen blue and Austin had chosen red.  In the end, blue was the winner, so I therefore got to choose first in the draft.  The results fell as follows:

I think we were both happy with the results.  At least, I know I am.  My first four picks were my top four ranked individuals.  In addition, I think Amber Riley will pull in a good amount of votes and Bill Engvall will capture and hold the comedic vote.  As for Austin, I know that he got his golden girls, Leah and Snooki.  I had a feeling that he'd want Jack Osbourne as well, so I was fine with that loss.  He also seemed particularly happy about landing Valerie on his team.  The only pick I was jealous of was the Keyshawn pick.  Football players always go far, it seems, regardless of their level of talent.  Oh well, all in all, it was a good draft and I look forward to watching the premiere Monday, September 16th at 8pm on ABC!

Are you #TeamHannah or #TeamAustin?  
Tell us in the comments below or on Twitter:
Hannah: @theonlytrace
Austin: @AustinBarns
or @AustHansWorld

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