
Thursday, August 1, 2013

Introducing AHW's Twitter Survivor!

With the popularity of online Big Brother games growing daily, and we do mean daily! We here at AustHan's World have decided to host a little game of our own. Seeing as how we like to break the mold on most things we do, we are excited to announce the first edition of our BRAND NEW Twitter Survivor game. The game will last a total of 11 days, and a start date will be announced when have found our 14 Twittestants. So what will life on AustHan island look like? Here's a brief overview of what you can expect if you you are chosen to be one of the first castaways.

Real Challenges - We don't draw numbers! Not that number drawing is a bad thing, and hey, it could pop up once or twice. We like a challenge, and a challenge we will issue! You'll get to engage with your new tribe, and fight for your wins. As much as you can virtually that is!

Hidden Immunity - Need I say more?

Tribes - As I previously mentioned, you will be competing on a tribe of 7! How fun is that? There will even be team flags!

Of course, I can't tell you everything that you can expect. You'll have to follow @AHWSurvivorGame on Twitter to watch it all unfold. Or, you could apply to become one of our 14 Twittestants.

All you have to do, is follow @AHWSurvivorGame, then leave us a comment below with your Twitter handle, and tell us who your Survivor spirit animal is. Of course you can leave us more than that, if you so desire.

And as always, you can follow #TeamAustHan on Twitter @AustinBarns@TheOnlyTrace,  and or AHW directly @AustHansWorld. 

AHW's Survivor Game will be coming to a Twitter feed near you in the coming days. Don't miss your chance to get in on the action! This is the part where you grab your torches and head back to camp.

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