
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Austin Recaps Forever Young Episode 3

It’s Wednesday night, and all of you #AustHanites know what that means, right? An all-new episode of TV Land’s Forever Young. My latest obsession…for obvious reasons!

The episode opens with the juniors and seniors receiving their latest task. This week the groups task is to run a food truck. They are broken up into two teams. #TeamTaco and #TeamHotdog. The goal of the task, is to see which team can make the most money using salesmanship, strategy, and hard work

Both teams were working it hard out on the corner! AustHan favorite, Christian was rocking the hot dog suit for #TeamHotdog while AustHan idol Shirley traded in her minx coat for a taco suit over on #TeamTaco. My boy Mike also jumped in to help out Shirlz on #TeamTaco.

As the battle of the food trucks raged on, we saw Angelina struggling in the kitchen for #TeamTaco. At one point, the team ended up serving their tacos on hamburger buns. So, technically they were selling hamburgers at that point, no? Over on #TeamHotdog, Christian was working hard to bring in a crowd. Lou was handling the cash because he’s apparently some kind of experienced receipt maker (I didn't really catch why, but he worked in business I believe.) and Emileen manned the kitchen. As any sweet grandmotherly type would do. Things were going well for the dogs!

All of a sudden, Mike turned up the heat on his advertising campaign. This didn't sit well with Double A. He felt like it was a bit under the belt. Some infamous (meaning I will recite them multiple times in the coming days) Mike quotes from the night include:

“Hot Dogs blow!”
“Don’t buy wieners from a wiener!”

Maybe I’m just being juvenile, but I quite enjoyed this. While the teasers in between commercials made it look like Mike and Double A were about to throw down, such was not the case. These two buds did not knock each other’s teeth in, but instead came to a peaceful resolution. And, the task came to an end.

So, how did they do? Did #TeamTaco or #TeamHotDog take it all the way? It seemed obvious that #TeamHotDog was going to win. They were running their truck in a pretty systematic way. I however was #TeamTaco. In support of Mike and Shirley, of course. And, imagine my surprise when it was revealed that #TeamTaco did indeed win the challenge. They brought in $366.00 while #TeamHotDog brought in $200.00. Sadly, the excitement didn't last long. There was a scandal brewing, and Lou called it like he saw it. He knew that something was off with the totals. He knew that the team had been selling their product for only a dollar, and judging by the amount of traffic their truck had, he knew that there was no way that they could have reached that total. It was then discovered that Sam, the #TeamTaco accountant didn't take the bank of $250.00 out and instead counted it in the total. So, #TeamHotDog wins in the end!

Shortly after the task ended, Mike bonds with Shirley and Arthur. Seriously, could we have asked for a more perfect scene? All of my faves in one setting, bonding with one another? Pinch me! Mike takes this time, to share with Shirley and Arthur a little about his past. As a teenager, Mike reveals that he had cancer. He shares a photo album from that time with the two seniors. Both are moved, and it’s a very emotional moment. I will admit, I too felt a bit choked up. What can I say? I’m kind of soft…I love hearing positive stories, of how people can overcome something so serious. Way to go Mike! We here at AustHans world are glad to see that you are healthy, and we wish you nothing but the best in the future my friend! Mike credits his recovery when talking about the way he has decided to live his life.

At this week’s fireside chat, the roommates are met with a box. Lou opens this box, and inside is a note
reading “$5,000.00 decide as a group which one of you deserves it”. Immediately the group is excited, but unsure of how they will vote. Everyone in the group makes their case; Sam would “straight up” donate the money to charity. Shirley shares that she could use the money. At 83, with no one to take care of her, she has had to “work her ass off”. She has had three husbands “die on her” and leave her with nothing. The money would be life changing. As if I needed more reasons to love this woman! Mike, would like the money so that he could take care of some of the debt left from his medical bills. He would like to help his Mom pay down some of the debt. But, while he needs the money, he came to the show without it and he will be fine without it. He knows that Angelina has student loans to pay off, and he wants to give his vote to her. A true champ, once again! This recap is quickly turning into a Mike lovefest! Back to the show, Emileen argues that the juniors are still young. They have the chance to work hard and make money, unlike the seniors. She gives her vote to Shirley! Angelina votes for Mike, and Lou votes for Shirley. Lou’s reasoning’s fall in line with Emileen’s. Sam doesn't want to say that Shirley doesn't deserve the money, but she has a minx coat. She is quick to tell him that she earned that coat when she was 27 years old. And Angelina chimes in that she has lived a “showgirl lifestyle”. Shirley tells the group that she would love to have the money, but that Mike deserves it.

Finally, Lou goes back on his vote, and makes the final decision. The $5,000.00 goes to Mike! A worthy recipient. Lou lets us know that he made the decision to “invest in the youth” because he knew that Mike and his family needed the money more than Shirley.

The episode ends with another bonding moment between Double A and Mike. Mike has been through a lot in his life, and you can tell that he has bonded with Arthur. Arthur tells us that he will be there as the substitute senior figure in Mikes life.

Thanks Double A!!! 
Forever Young airs every Wednesday at 10 on TV Land! Tell your friends AND your grandparents! Bridge the gap!

Did you watch this week’s episode of Forever Young? We want to know what you thought too! Sound off in the comments below, or tweet us at @AustHansWorld or tweet me @AustinBarns.

Fun Fact: I am FANBOYING it out right now, because as I go to submit this, I check my tweets and find that Double A, THE DOUBLE A, as in my senior idol, favorited, RT’d, replied, and followed me! #Winning

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