
Friday, March 8, 2013

Hannah recaps the FINALE of 'King of the Nerds!'

It’s the finale episode of King of the Nerds and we’re down to the final four:  Celeste, Ivan, Danielle, and Genevieve!  (Note:  I place them in that order, because that’s my dream winner-to-loser order.)  First off,  I just want to express how much I loved this first season!  The cast was obviously brilliant, and even the nerds who I didn’t like at the beginning, like Virgil, Alana, and Danielle, really grew on me over the course of the show.  In the end, I don’t think I’d be unhappy with any of these final four winning.  So, to whoever did the casting, I give you a huge round of applause. This show was the highlight of my Thursday night TV watching, so I’m really going to miss it and all of its hilarious moments and quotes.

The episode starts off, as always, with the winner of the previous nerd off (in this case, Genevieve) talking about her win and celebrating the fact that she is still there.  In this final four, it’s cool to see that Celeste is the only one of the four who never had to go into a nerd off.  While Ivan, Celeste, and Genevieve celebrate making the final four, Danielle is saying she won’t count her chickens before they hatch and therefore doesn’t want to celebrate.  Ivan, the dragon, is ready to bring fire!  Then there’s a minute of pure brilliance as Ivan goes outside Nerdvana to stargaze and talk to himself.  He quotes a whole bunch of things that sound like they’re straight out of some princess fairy tale.  Meanwhile, Celeste and Genevieve remain somewhat distant where Genevieve threw her under the bus in the last episode.  The whole situation seems to have benefited Celeste though, as she seems much more determined to win now.

It was absolutely necessary for me to do this.. okay?
The final four exit Nerdvana and the two hosts are riding Segways towards them.  For some reason, the hosts refer to the Segways as “nerd movers,” which I guess they are, but why not just call them Segways?  For the first phase of the final nerd war, the four will race Segways through a “Maze of Terror” and whoever finishes in last place will be out of the competition in fourth place.  It seems like a game of luck mixed with a  game of skill.  The four get some time to practice with cones and whatnot, but they can’t see the maze until the competition starts.  Some funny things that happened during the practice include Ivan falling off of his Segway and it running off from him.  Also, Genevieve and Ivan had a head on collision at one point!  This competition looks so fun!
“What if I die in the maze of terror?  What if I die?” –Celeste
Now, it’s time for phase one to take place and we’re introduced to the Maze of Terror!  It turns out to not be that “terrorable” (I hope you enjoy this pun as much as I do) after all!  The Segways are all decorated according to who is driving them, for example, Celeste’s has a rubix cube on the front and Ivan’s, of course, has a dragon. 
“Gentlenerds!  Start your engines!”
There are several dead ends in the maze and only one way to get through it.  At the beginning, Ivan takes a huge lead, but then he hit a dead end sending him back to the very beginning of the maze.  Somehow though, Celeste is in last place and needs to pass someone or she’ll be out!  For some reason, Ivan stops.  (Maybe to study the maze to see that he was going the right way?) Celeste is able to pass him, putting Ivan in last.
“I’m not going to go home over a Segway race.” –Ivan
Then Ivan wrecks, but it doesn’t seem to matter because it’s pretty much over at that point.  Danielle finishes in first, Genevieve second, and Celeste third.  So, Ivan WILL be going home over a Segway race, which is actually disappointing because I was rooting for him to make the final two.  Ivan is bummed over his loss, as you would expect, but his exit was truly hilarious as he rode off on his Segway.
Ivan is the first eliminated from the finale
and finishes in fourth place!

The girls all have a short celebration of making the final three.  Danielle says something about how she still isn’t going to celebrate since it’s too early.  So, the final three are all girls!  It turns out we’ll have a Queen of the Nerds after all!  Girl power!  Of course, Genevieve takes the opportunity to give a girl power confessional about how female nerds should be proud people!!
“When I call myself a nerd, I do it in acceptance.” –Ivan
Then it’s time for the final phase of the final nerd war.  The challenge will be to answer questions on a whole scope of nerdy topics.   The board actually is set up a lot like the one on Jeopardy!  There are different categories with questions varying in difficulty.  Everyone will get to answer each question, which will be multiple choice, and each right answer is worth one point.
“There’s a fire burning inside me and it’s like *said under breath* “I need to win!!”” –Celeste
Danielle is the second one eliminated
from the finale and finishes in third place!
Celeste jumps off to a quick lead, answering the first four questions correctly, and notably looks like she is about to pass out.  Then, she starts struggling and Genevieve is able to catch up to her in points.  To make the final two, you must be one of the first two to score 5 points, and Genevieve and Celeste are tied with 4 points while Danielle trails with 3 points.  Then on the final question, about where Peter Parker works, everyone answers correctly, so Genevieve and Celeste become the final two, while Danielle places third!  Genevieve vs. Celeste: the ultimate showdown!  (And may I add that all of a sudden, picking a side in the Celeste/Genevieve conflict becomes important!)
 “Sorry I don’t know who created Pong.  Ask me the release date of Halo 4.”  “..November 6th, 2012.” –Danielle
Then the hosts announce that while Danielle is out of the competition, she will not be going home just yet!  She will have a say in who will win along with all of the other banished nerds.  And with that, the banished nerds all return!  BRANDON!!! (Note: I squealed out of joy. #Handon)  All of them will be voting on who they want to win the competition!  So, a lot like on Beauty and the Geek (season 3)!  (OMG my show!) Hopefully here, Celeste will not tell the others to vote against her, like my precious Nate Dern, though! (Which is why I mention the whole Beauty and the Geek season 3 thing. #StillNotOverIt

Genevieve and Celeste become the
final two to battle it out for the title of
King of the Nerds!
Genevieve and Celeste get to spend time with everyone and plead their cases on why the others should vote for them.  Virgil is a bit torn since both were on Team Blextrophy with him.  Genevieve’s plan seems to be to state how she was the leader of Blextrophy and helped get herself and a teammate into the final two.  Also, she has the whole “I won three nerd offs” thing going for her.  Celeste’s plan seems to be to just be honest with everyone and tell/show them how much personal growth she has had throughout the competition.

The nerds seem to be split half and half on who they want to win.  Danielle is still sulking about getting third, which is understandable, so who knows how she will vote, let alone who she will vote for.  Then we’re given the comedy gold that goes by the name of Hendrik, a very early favorite of mine.  He wanders around outside in the middle of nowhere wearing a helmet.  He’s not taking the voting thing too seriously since he was, after all, the first one out of the competition.  I still wish he had made it further though!  I mean, DO YOU REMEMBER THE QUOTES THAT THIS GUY GAVE US?  And the chirping? #Handrik

Then, we’re given some fun bits.  We see part of Brandon’s hilarious drunken lesson, which you can watch in its entirety HERE.  Then we see a sword war and just a bunch of bits of everyone hanging out and enjoying their time with one another.  Moogega is siding with Genevieve, and seems to want to convince Danielle to vote that way as well, but Danielle doesn’t think that she could ever vote for Genevieve.  (Also, Alana may or may not have been shown using a coffee filter as a tissue?  I’m not sure.  I have convinced myself that I was probably just seeing things.)

Celeste and Genevieve both want the win very badly, and for a lot of reasons besides the $100,000 prize.  Only one will be able to win though!  I think that the vote will be split pretty evenly, and although I want Celeste to win, it almost seems like more people are siding with Genevieve because of all of her nerd off wins and the fact that she was Team Blextrophy’s leader.

I had to do this, because.. I just had to.
Both Genevieve and Celeste will be given the opportunity to have some final words with all of the banished nerds before they cast the deciding votes.  Genevieve is up first and said that entering the game, she had two goals:  to stay and to learn.  Then she goes all (BB14) Dan Gheesling on us and sucks up to a lot of the nerds individually saying how she learned more from them than she did from the challenges.  (Note: It wasn’t as annoying as Dan’s though, but maybe I am biased.)  (Another note:  My favorite part about this whole clip happened during the flashbacks of Genevieve’s time on King of the Nerds: “STUPID KEVIN SMITH!”)  She tells how she defeated others in things where she was the underdog and how she put her heart and soul into the game.  She took the responsibility of being a leader and believes that she would be a good ambassador for the competition/show.

Then, it’s Celeste’s turn and she seems nervous, as she always does with public speaking.  Then, in a confessional, we find out that she has her good luck shoes and will be doing this for all of her family and friends.  She tells how she never thought that she would be in the top two because she always compared herself to the others and didn’t think she was on the same level as everyone else.  She struggled with self-confidence throughout the competition, but fought and challenged herself.  Throughout the competition, she overcame a lot of personal battles and gained a lot of confidence from that.  With that confidence, she was able to make it far, and eventually to the final two.  She tells how she proud to be a nerd and how sometimes it is a struggle, but it’s worth it. 

All in all, I liked Celeste’s final speech a lot better than Genevieve’s.  Genevieve based her speech off of wins and other game-related things, whereas Celeste’s was more of a speech of personal growth.  Then, everyone is given their “tablets of power” and it’s time to cast the final votes that will determine who will be King (Queen?) of the Nerds!

For Celeste:
  • Danielle:  She didn’t want to vote for either, because it should have been her.  Lawl. 
  • Jon:  He saw the progress Celeste made throughout the competition and liked that she never gave up. 
  • Brandon:  He said Celeste poured all of herself into the competition. 
  • Alana:  She based if off a lot of different things, but also voted for Celeste because she had more personal growth throughout the competition. 
  • Virgil:  He thinks that Genevieve is the quintessential nerd, but Celeste’s growth would have really inspired him when he was younger.

For Genevieve:
  •  Hendrik:  He believe Genevieve worked harder for the win. 
  • Ivan:  Genevieve won three nerd offs and has better earned the title. 
  • Moogega:  She believes Genevieve better earned the title.

“Seriously?  It all comes down to Virgil?” –Celeste  (Well, technically, it could have came down to Joshua, but I guess we’ll never find out how he voted!)
So, Celeste wins and becomes King of the Nerds!!  She gets an awesome robe and crown!  Then, the moment that everyone has been waiting for:  She sits in the Throne of Games!  (Meanwhile, all of the other nerds bow to her, or something.) Ivan, in a confessional, delivers a bunch of inspiring quotes for nerds everywhere.
And just like that, Celeste becomes the first winner of 'King of the Nerds!'

Needless to say, I am so happy with this final result, since I have been full-fledged #TeamCeleste since Brandon’s exit early on.  And then I am even happier because it’s announced that there’s going to be a season 2!  (Note: Obviously I will be recapping season 2 as well!)

Are you satisfied with the results of tonight’s finale?  Tell me in the comments or tweet me at @AustHansWorld!  (Or, if you’re feeling wild and crazy, @theonlytrace!)

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