
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Austin Recaps Big Brother Canada - Episode 1

Put on your jelly bracelets and your cool graffiti coats, because Robin Sparkles is no longer the only product of Canad-ia that I am all “aboot” BB fans. That’s right, Big Brother Canada is FINALLY here. And I am thrilled!

The show kicked off with a surprisingly energetic launch. It was very BBUK and I liked it. It was different, it was fun, and it was a fresh change from the standard BB format we are use to here in the US of A. That being said, I’m a bigger fan of our premiere episodes. Arisa Cox is an excellent host, and I’m excited to see her develop more as the season progresses. I’m clearly attached to my home-girl Jules, but Arisa is a close second.

As the launch goes on, the houseguests are introduced and then brought out in groups to enter the house. You can tell they’re all excited! Arisa makes sure to tell them they are making history, which I’m sure they’re all thrilled about. This is one asset that #BBCan has going for it. They were able to track down some true fans. These people have wanted to be on BB for years and they finally have the chance. So, that in itself is pretty awesome, at least as far as I’m concerned.

Once the Houseguests enter the house, it’s the usual love fest. We all know they’ll hate each other soon enough, but while the alcohol is flowing it’s nothing but peace, love, and harmony in the BB house. Meanwhile, outside in the studio, Arisa let’s the viewers in on a little secret that will without a doubt impact the game. A phone has been placed in the storage room. When this phone rings, it will ring until it is answered. Big Brother will then give whoever answers the phone a secret mission. Not to shabby of a twist, eh? So, naturally the phone rings after this announcement. Loveable Suzette is the first person to answer the phone, and therefore is the houseguest to receive the task. She is told to go to the diary room, and after a short trek through the house trying to find it, she enters for further instruction by BB. Upon entering the DR, Suzette is informed that she must nominate two houseguests for eviction based on first impressions. This of course means that Suzette is the first HOH of BB Canada. Congrats Suzette!

Arisa summons the houseguests to the living room ala her American counterpart Julie. From here, she gives the houseguests the 411 on Suzette’s phone call which transitions into her nominations. Based on obvious physical characteristics, Suzette has decided to nominate Emit and Tom for eviction. Both are ready to “bro up” and stay in the game. They got this yo! THEY . GOT . THIS! They plan to win the POV and save themselves. As all good nominees do. But, will they be successful? Luckily, we don’t have to wait too long for that answer because the POV competition is waiting for us on the other side of the commercial break. #Winning

For the first Canadian POV competition, the houseguests must pop balloons and search for puzzle pieces to complete a puzzle. Aneal informs us that he can’t tolerate the sound of popping balloons. Fun Fact: My AustHan counterpart Hannah also can’t handle this popping sound. She claims Aneal is her “spirit animal”! For obvious reasons! Tom is the first POV winner in BB Canada history. Obviously he will be saving himself from the block! But, who will be nominated in his place? That question will be answered tomorrow night on the very first live eviction episode of Big Brother Canada. And, if you haven’t been misted in a while BB10 winner and BB14 runner up Dan Gheesling will be sitting down with Arisa. So, that’s exciting!

My Favorite Things “Aboot” the Show:

The House – It’s amazing! Seriously, G-L-A-M-O-R-OUS!
The Twist – It’s fresh and unique. As all twists should be!
The Host – Arisa is amazing! Is she not? I love her charisma. It’s second to only me!

Things I’m Curious “Aboot”:

The Have-Not Room – They teased this at the top of the show, and I’m quite intrigued. Is it only for one person? Are their multiple have-nots? What’s the deal? I’ll have to do a little sleuthing now that the feeds are live.

What I’m Not Feeling “Aboot” the Show:

The Cheapness of the Competitions – Granted only one has been shown, I really feel like BB could have sprung for a bit more. It was nothing close to the elaborate sets we’re use to in the US. This could change as the season goes on though!

Who Do I Love at the Moment?

Suzette – She’s so adorable! I definitely want to see her go far in the game. For now anyway!

Who am I Not Crazy “Aboot”?

Peter – I’m just not feeling Peter. I also don’t like the Ian Terry comparisons he’s getting within the Twitterverse. This guy is no Dr. Ian Terry, and anyone who says he is, is committing BB blasphemy!

Aneal – He’s just douchey! I’m not going to front here.

Overall, the show was great! It’s definitely more interesting than the few clips of other versions of BB I've caught over the years, likely because of the format being used. I’m excited to watch what unfolds this season, and I hope you all are too. In addition to my love of BB, one of my favorite things about Big Brother season is the fan interaction on Twitter. I love a good live tweet sesh! So, join us on Twitter @AustHansWorld or follow me @AustinBarns for some #BBCan live tweeting fun tomorrow night!

So, what do you think BB fans? Is it worth the watch? Or are you waiting for #BB15 to get your fix? Sound off below! 

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