
Monday, January 21, 2013

Hannah recaps the 'King of the Nerds' premiere!

My initial thoughts going into this show are good.  I’m a pretty big nerd myself, so these are my people.  I mean, I’m a little disappointed with this cast after reading their Q&As because most of the contestants answered “Science” to “Math or science?” and YOU KNOW I love my math.  But I’m making the assumption that this show will be somewhere along the lines of Beauty and the Geek, but.. nerdier, so yes, big hopes and dreams for this show.  Now, let’s get into the show.

We start off with some previews of what’s to come.  One of the girls recites a hefty portion of pi.  “This is like 8th grade 101.”  “I use my powers OF THE DARK SIDE.”  Why do I feel like this show is going to give me a lot of amazing quotes? Oh, because it already has given me two and we’re not even a few minutes in! 

Ivan is a dragon. He breathes fire!  Also Genevieve reminds me of myself!  Oh no, time to pick two groups of five but there are 11 nerds.  Genevieve is picked as the first team captain! (WOO! Go Hannah! I mean.. Genevieve!)  Ivan is the second team captain.  The others get two hours to let their strengths be known so they have a better chance at being picked.  So, in BB terms here, one is going to be the Jodi and shut out nearly from the start.   I find it ironic though, that a show about nerds would start off with a game where it’s not good to be the last one picked.  Kind of like dodgeball!  Kind of like my life story! (Note: I’m just joking.  Somehow I never found myself being the last one picked in gym class.  How I avoided this is forever a mystery considering that I’m terribly unathletic, but.. let’s not make this about me!)

“There’s a whiteboard! I need a whiteboard *shaking* to survive!!” –Brandon

Hendrik wants to be able to speak with birds… oh wait, he speaks bird!  Joshua is the cute nerd of this show!  The table has the periodic table printed on it. HOLY moly I think I’ve found my new guilty pleasure and it’s this show.  Alana loves Genevieve.  “I want to be on her team because she likes Batman AND I LIKE BATMAN!”

Brandon Moore, 'King of the Nerds'
contestant, AKA: Hannah's homeboy
Celeste is a pro gamer and seems awesome.  I feel like Alana could be the first one cut just because she is making things awkward and you know, this takes some great skill because this is a ROOM FULL OF NERDS.  OKAY.  Alana seems pretty sure that she’ll be the first cut because “All I have is Batman and that I’m… super prepared.”  She’s nearly crying.  Okay, now I feel bad.  I take back my comments.

My early favorite has to be Brandon!  He is such a skilled dancer and character!  Ivan says he doesn’t have many math and science skills.  (Now, I’m not pointing fingers, but I think we have a cruddy nerd in this bunch but, like I said, I am NOT POINTING FINGERS at who it is..)  The nerds are called out of the house with a “Nerd alert!” alarm.  I repeat: this is awesome.

Orange is Ivan’s favorite color and now it’s his team’s color. Okay, I don’t know if it’s possible to dislike him now.  Genevieve beats Ivan in rock, paper, scissors so she gets to make the first pick and chooses Celeste.  Considering she was probably going to be Ivan’s first pick, I find this quite entertaining.  Joshua is upset that he wasn’t one of the first choices.  Get off your high horse, dude.  HENDRIK IS ADORABLE.  Instead of saying paint was poured on his head, he described it using the components of paint.  Hendrik’s choice will be based on who will be “good company.”  (Side note: why has Brandon not been chosen yet? I’m freaking out!!)

Joshua picks Brandon!   Okay, I can rest easy.   Danielle (Pinky) and Alana are the last two.   As predicted, Alana is the one not chosen.   “I’ve been losing all my life.  That’s why I’m a nerd!”  But in a turn of events, since “nothing is nerdier than being picked last,” Alana gets to stay and has been given “all the power!”  Ooh, this is fun!  She is safe from banishment and will get to choose the winner of the nerd war of this episode.  It’s announced that two nerds from the losing team will face off in the “Nerd Off.”  Alana chooses the blue team as the weaker team so, two of its people will be facing off and one will be leaving.

Okay, the hosts, albeit nerds, are kind of frustrating to listen to/watch.  The orange team gets to choose one of the people from the blue team to go to the Nerd off.  Alana is inducted into the blue team.  We’re now seeing the nerds playing in the water fountain.  Did I mention that I love this?

The 'King of the Nerds' cast
Brandon considers mathematicians “the top of academia.”  Okay, I really love him.  Hendrik interrupts the orange team’s meeting to say he wants to go into the nerd off.  NO!  NO, HENDRIK!   Oh, and it is not lost on me that Ivan the Dragon has dragon slippers.

Alas, it is now time for the nerd off where the loser will go home immediately.  The blue team chose to send Hendrik into the nerd off, based on him offering himself up.   The orange team voted and chose to send Jon in, probably based off Brandon’s opinion of mathematicians.  I hate to root against a fellow mathematician, but I LOVE HENDRIK.  I don’t know what to feel!

Hendrik and Jon will be competing in a game of chess.  They each are given three hours to choose an advisor to have during the game and to prepare.  Huge announcement: Alana was on her high school chess team!   Hendrik chooses Alana to be his advisor in the nerd off.  Joshua thinks this is a terrible decision, the ego on this one.  Hendrik has a photographic memory and is given a chess lesson by Alana.  Jon chooses Virgil as his advisor.  (Side note: At this point, I think I’ve dubbed Virgil as one of the nerds I like the least.  There’s just something about him that annoys me.)

Finally, it’s time to go outside for the nerd off.  There is a chess board even larger than the one found in the ‘Big Brother’ backyard!  Two random people are brought in and I have no clue who these people are and/or why they were brought in, but Brandon seems in favor of the random girl.

“There’s stripper cat girl, who is of a harajuku flavor or something!”  -Brandon, on said random girl

Oh, I guess these two random people are the ones who get to move the pieces during the game.  Hendrik captures the first piece but Jon does not seem worried and says it was intentional.    Some warrior type guy is chopping the captured pieces.  I’m assuming they’re doing this as an attempt to make chess more exciting?
Hendrik - the first nerd elminated
I don’t know much about chess, but all the nerds seem to see Hendrik playing into Jon’s hands during this game.  BUMMER!  Jon is pointing out all of Hendrik’s mistakes.  Jon calls checkmate and so Hendrik is out of the game.  I’m never picking favorites again!

I can only hope that none of my favorites go home next Thursday.

‘King of the Nerds’ airs Thursdays at 10 pm on TBS!

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