
Friday, January 25, 2013

Hannah recaps episode #2 of 'King of the Nerds!'

It’s time for the second episode of ‘King of the Nerds!’  This show is my latest guilty pleasure so I’ve been waiting for this episode ever since I finished watching the first!  I do think I will miss Hendrik though.  I found him quite humorous.  So, we start off the episode and Jon is very excited to have been the one to get to stay in the game.  He breaks out his heavy metal side and rocks it out!

We find out that Celeste is not an Alana fan.  First, she is not a fan because she originally picked the blue team as the losing team in that first episode.  Second, she’s not a fan of her because she blames her for being the reason why Hendrik lost the nerd-off.  I might agree with this.  Going into that nerd-off, Hendrik’s chances of winning were pretty high and somehow he lost in what seemed like a one-sided game of chess.  Like Celeste, I am not Alana’s biggest fan and hope that she’ll soon be the nerd that gets banished from the game.

It’s time to announce this week’s challenge.  The hosts are dressed in costumes.  The one in particular (I haven’t bothered to learn their names) is a Geisha girl/guy!  This week’s competition is a cosplay one!  The nerds go CRAY CRAY over this in excitement.  In case you don’t know what cosplay (costume play) is, it’s where the players dress in costume and take on the role of whatever character/costume that they are dressed as.

“It’s like pretend times ten.”

“Girls dressed as boys making out with other girls that are dressed as boys” –Virgil describing what his past experience with cosplay has consisted of.

The teams are given themes, to center their cosplay around, for this challenge.  The orange team is given the theme: Villians from the Fantasy World.  The blue team is given the theme: Heroes from the Sci-Fi World.  Each team has been given a room that is filled with all the costume pieces, equipment, and other supplies that will be needed to make their costumes.  Teams are given time to work on these costumes and their cosplay acts.  During this time, they must also come up with a group name!

The nerds arrive back in the house and are beyond thrilled with the rooms.  They’re describe as “nerd toys galore!”   I have to point out one thing that I love about this show real quick.  I love that all the contestants are smart, so you don’t hear those comments that are so idiotic that you’re tempted to smash your head through a brick wall.  Also, I stand by what I say, Genevieve reminds me a lot of myself.  I think it’s the curly hair.  I’d like to believe that I’m a little less nerdy though.  Not that being a nerd is a bad thing!  I love being a nerd, but..

Moving on!  I am really growing to like Jon.  He’s a little more reserved, which is fitting because he is a math person and most of us are reserved.   We move on to the orange team and Brandon has adopted a black cloak as one of his wardrobe pieces for this challenge!  Everyone on the orange team has a specific job in making the costumes and Brandon’s job is to work out any problems with wiring in the costumes!

Next, Virgil tries to cause a panic in Nerdvana.  He disappears from the blue team’s workroom to “work on his costume,” but this is not appreciated by his fellow teammates.  It turns out that he is really just going to steal any supplies that could be of use to the blue team.  Brandon notices this and calls him out this.  “It’s not polite.”  Brandon is not a fan of Virgil it seems.  I LOVE THIS, because I am not a Virgil fan either!! TWINS.

YES! Brandon continues to be my
homeboy, in case you were wondering!
Then we get to see more drama between the blue team and Virgil.  Virgil was still off having a tiff with Brandon over him calling Virgil something mean.  Virgil has crazy eyes throughout this whole scene!  Or at least that’s how it appeared to me!  Obviously, I’m #TeamBrandon.  Plus, Virgil’s actions were a little uncalled for especially considering what point of the game we’re at.  But the blue team eventually gets Virgil to return to them and Alana is MAD!  She tells him that he’s not pulling his weight on the team and that he worries to much about how the orange team does.  Alana is very poor at being mean/yelling at someone.  Was it just me or did you get a vibe that Alana might possibly LIKE Virgil?  (If you know what I’m saying…)

“GOOD… because it was a rhetorical question!” –Alana

We get a brief look at some of the costumes on the orange team.  Danielle (AKA Pinky) is covered in leaves and flowers.  She’s wearing these huge ears!  Ivan is a demon, and from commercial previews, he ends up entirely painted red! Ha!

It’s now time for the cosplay challenge.  The orange team has chosen the name “Servants of the Forsaken Orb” and the blue team has chosen the name “Blextrophy.”  Why blextrophy?  Apparently it is the combination of blue (their team color) and extropy!  What is extropy, you wonder?  “It’s the opposite of entropy!”  Thanks for clearing that up for us!

There are three guest judges for this challenge, but George Takei is the most notable of the three, obviously.  For all you non-nerds (jk I know we’re all nerds here, let’s be honest) Mr Takei is from Star Trek.  He is BELOVED by the majority of nerds worldwide.  George is given a captain’s chair.  The nerds are LOVING it and you know what? I think I am too!

“Nerdgasm!” –Ivan

So, it’s time to get down to business.  Blextrophy is up first with what appears to be a shaky performance.  Virgil is dressed much differently than his team and is not a good actor really at all. Sorry.  Alana begins her part with “ICE BREAKA!!!”  Apparently the “breaka” was of things to come in her performance because she breaks out an accent!  And then some sort of dance?  Jon is “Chop” from “Fancypants Land.”  Then this turns into the second (third? Fourth?) coming of the hit musical ‘Annie!’  Genevieve is starring as the breakout role of the orphan!  She performs a lengthy song and George Takei appears to love it!  Celeste ends off the performance and she’s hilarious. “I’ve got ..guns.”

Next, we have the “Servants of the Forsaken Orb.”  This performance is much more dramatic and entertaining throughout.  Brandon gives some Latin phrases throughout his performance, because then it sounds “magical.”  Joshua kills Danielle at the end of his performance.  (Not literally, he just stabbed her with his fake sword.)  Ivan closes it out as the devil, or ..whatever he is.  The orange team bows to him during his part.  The orange team is much more unified throughout their performance.  Funny things to note about the performance include that Ivan was walking on stilts the whole time and also when he went to blow out the fire on his sword, it was much like a trick birthday candle, and wouldn’t go out!

After a short discussion between the judges, the orange team is declared the winners of the challenge.  Yay!  Brandon is safe!  The orange team has also won a training session with a world renounced sword mistress!  This means the blue team loses and will have two of its members sent into the nerd off!  At the training session Brandon goes BEAST on everyone!  He even takes down “Ivan the Terrible!”  “I think you see my point!” (If you didn’t catch it, this was totally a pun on the sword fighting)  They are also rewarded with Little Caesar’s pizza!  Wow, way to splurge!  I think they even bought the $5 ones!  While they eat they discuss their options of who to send to the nerd-off, and after some discussion, it seems like they will be sending in Genevieve.

Alana continues her dislike (or like?) towards Virgil.  I think that she is personally who the blue team should send in, as she appears to be the weaker of the two, but based on all the recent problems with Virgil, you never know what they are thinking or will decide!  Either way, I don’t like either, and if one leaves, I’ll be content.

The votes are revealed!  The orange team voted Jon into the nerd-off once again.  The blue team voted Alana into the nerd-off.  NO!  I don’t want Jon in the nerd-off!  He is one of my favorites on the blue team!  Alana is unhappy that she got chosen and reveals that she has a hidden talent: common sense!  I want Jon to stay, obviously, but it can’t be denied that Alana makes for better watching.

“THE WINNER WILL SIT ON THE THRONE OF GAMES! *the loser will go home immediately.*”

Alana, ready to battle in this
episode's nerd-off!
 Alana goes to the orange team, namely Danielle, for help.  Danielle loves this because Alana is clearly the weaker of the two in the nerd-off, so she should want Alana to stay.  Alana then informs us that she has “brass balls.”  Literally, she gets her “fight from the fact that she has brass balls!”

 “I’ve been watching Star Wars since I was 5!!! Well 6 or 5!!!” –Alana

It’s time for the nerd-off and the challenge is to answer trivia questions.  When you answer right, you get to roll a dice down the hill in an attempt to knock over different knights and gnomes for points.  Brandon wants Jon to go home because clearly Jon is the bigger threat.  This shows that Brandon must be the mastermind behind the choices of the orange team.  They had seemed pretty set on putting Genevieve into the nerd-off earlier.  #TeamBrandon

Jon is a physics person so obviously he should do well at rolling the dice down a hill to knock over things.  Both Jon and Alana are good at the questions.  I must admit, this is where my nerdy ways fail me.  I don’t watch many things considered nerdy so I don’t know most of these answers.  Jon is doing better at rolling the dice though and appears to be running away with this win!  FEAR THE MATH NERD!

“Narnia has seven books! How can you NOT know that?!” –Genevieve, on Jon missing the related question

This is where Alana gets an advantage since she was the only one to get the question right.  She rolls the dice and barely knocks over anything and it appears to stop.  BUT WAIT!  She then breaks out her dark force and the dice goes on to knock over more things!  The score is tied!  This is intense!  Both Jon and Alana answer the last question right.  Alana rolls first and scores 300 points.  Jon must score 400 to win and stay in the competition.  But no, he only rolls 200!  Alana is declared the winner, Jon the loser.  THIS SUCKS.  I’M DONE PICKING FAVORITES, OKAY?
Jon Paprocki, the second eliminated nerd

Jon is sad to leave because of the free beer, but as he leaves a special effect boulder smashes him into oblivion!  “He said he liked to rock!” –The hosts; and on that note, episode #2 is complete!  I will miss you, Jon! 

'King of the Nerds' airs at 10 pm on Thursday on TBS!

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